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What's it gonna cost.....

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It's a 93 VR whose clutch has gone so I'm looking at doing a few bits at the same time.

Thinking about taking it to Stealth cos its needs a remap anyhow but i guess i'm gonna be looking at a 4 figure bill and it makes me wanna hurl!!

Got a few mates that can tackle the job but i guess receipts from a reputable garage are better for history etc.

So here's the list of what needs to de done.


Timing chains & tensioners


Fitting 2 VT mounts

Raceland 6 branch

Got a rebuilt head to go in (as my oil stem seals were knackered) & headgasket

fitting 288's and goodridges


also hoping theres no damage to the gearbox or bottom end as it does smoke a bit under acceleration but isn't using oil!?!


So what do we reckon this little lot will set me back chaps & chapesses





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I think that Stealth charge somewhere in the region of £700 for timing chains and clutch. If you've already got the head and gasket, then it wouldn't be much more work to fit that at the same time, so call that £750.


VT mounts are probably 2hrs to do, 288mm brakes and bleeding are probably another 2hrs so call that another £100.


Re-maps are about £300 with the chip, I think?


Add at least another hundred quid cos you never know...


No idea on the Samcos or Raceland, but I'd guess an overall bill of £2k or so isn't far off.

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hmmmmmmmmm decisions decisions.


i was being a bit mor optimistic and aiming at the £1500 mark but £2k sounds more like it... and thats hoping my gearbox and bottom end are all ok :(

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I immediately thought 2k when I saw that little lot.. and then saw that everyone else has said the same sort of ballpark.


If it helps, you've got some time to get saving - spoke to Vince today and he's pretty darn busy for the coming weeks, and given the time it'll take to do all of that.. well, you get the idea :)

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i guess its some consolation but i'm really just thinking out loud. kinda in two minds about it all

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I totally sympathise.. I couldn't even contemplate a bill of that size on my car, ever.. £500 and i'm hurting for months!

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i've never come close to paying that much money for work on a car!

my car was mint when i bought it and to be fair i've really maintained it jus cant contemplate giving someone else two thousand pounds!

Thing is i know it'll be worth it when its back at full strength!

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How about getting some of the less "special" jobs sorted by a normal garage? Stuff like the brakes, samco's, etc..? Could save a few bob..

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i was thinking along those lines but the way i see it i'd just be paying for labour twice. especially with the samcos'.

if the engine is out wouldnt it make sense to get stuff like that sorted at the same time?

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I always thought that its not worth remapping a VR due to the small amount of power increase for the price, unless youre gonna add other bits with it???

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I always thought that its not worth remapping a VR due to the small amount of power increase for the price, unless youre gonna add other bits with it???


Raceland 6 branch


? ;)

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plus VSR.....


Already spoken to Stealth about the remap as its not been done since fitting the VSR and apparantly i'm in for a big surprise when thats done!!

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If you don't mind can you let us know what it all adds up to when you do get round to doing it Jay? I seem to have a very similar list staring me in the face now! :D




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Still haven't made my mind up as to what I'm gonna do John.


Purely because they are closer I might get the Phirm to do the transmission stuff. (Their website lists prices of approx £710 for chains, tensioners and clutch)


That'll get me on the road so i can do some of the smaller less 'specialist specific' jobs either myself or at local garage.


Then i can have a nice drive to Stealth for the remap plus a once over and anything thats left! That way i'll have an idea of what each garage is like and i'll know who i prefer :D


Anyone had clutch & chains done at the Phirm?

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Still haven't made my mind up as to what I'm gonna do John.


Purely because they are closer I might get the Phirm to do the transmission stuff. (Their website lists prices of approx £710 for chains, tensioners and clutch)


That'll get me on the road so i can do some of the smaller less 'specialist specific' jobs either myself or at local garage.


Then i can have a nice drive to Stealth for the remap plus a once over and anything thats left! That way i'll have an idea of what each garage is like and i'll know who i prefer :D


Sounds like a good idea! The only thing I'd say is that the journey time to Stealth vs the Phirm from where you are isn't massively different, especially once you've taken into account M25 cameras down to Surrey.. Still, worth seeing both of them, as you say.


Anyone had clutch & chains done at the Phirm?


I'm sure a couple have, I was searching on the Forum for their work the other day and quite a few bits/recommendations came up. I actually went to see them a while ago because my gearbox mount is knackered and I'm now booked in on Monday for them to replace that and the front one with VTs. I would be getting more done but they're just fitting me in to do that because I wanted them done before ragging it up the strip at Inters!


If you've got any questions you want me to ask them then let me know, the clutch/chains price sounds around about what he quoted me when I first spoke to them. You might need to budget for splitter repairs though once you see the track up to where they are!



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I've heard interesting things about the entrance to their workshop but mine isn't toooooooo low so I should be ok.


I wish I could give mine a gentle push let alone a quarter mile rag!! :(


I'll send you a pm with a few questions for em if you don't mind John.


I'm waiting for my new head (should be here by the weekend) then i'll be ringing em up to get fitted in.

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