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!VWCCGB DO NOT qualify for vwpartsclub!

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right after speaking to my local dealer..Specialist-Cars Aberdeen and VW's Press Office down south i found to my horror :shock: :shock: :shock: that VWCCGB SHOULD NOT and DO NOTqualify for the VWpartsclub scheme!!!!...........seemingly this is down to the fact that the VWpartsclub should really only be available people with "trade" accounts and is not available to any VW owners club etc as they do not have accounts as such.............this is not a wind-up btw.......as i was at first told by my local dealer that VW had sent them an e-mail telling them that VWCCGB members were not to be given the VWpartsclub discount!! so i phoned VW UK asap and had this confirmed by their Press Office

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Funny you say this Roddy - I was told this too when I called the customer service number.

Have gotten pally with my dealer and they just do it. They made out to me like they have never given these discounts at any dealer!!

I only raised the question when I was turned down once at a Dealers in Chichester!

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I am good pals with my local dealer and he gives me more than parts club discount :D parts club discount is only usally entitled to 10% which alot of the mechanics I know get, but they do me 15% which is pretty cool. I have noticed though that VAG are really tight on discounts as most other manufactures offer 20% discount to trade.


I think you'll find that CCGB do get parts club discount as we have a password and username I cant remember what it is off hand and I wont be mentioning it on here anyway but members can get hold of the password by contacting one of the comitee!

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I think you'll find that CCGB do get parts club discount as we have a password and username I cant remember what it is off hand and I wont be mentioning it on here anyway but members can get hold of the password by contacting one of the comitee!



ant mate this is what i am speaking about :wink:



VWCCGB still get the 10% discount on parts but as of today VWCCGB DO NOT qualify for the vwpartsclub scheme which is what the user ID and password are for :wink:

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I think you'll find that CCGB do get parts club discount as we have a password and username I cant remember what it is off hand and I wont be mentioning it on here anyway but members can get hold of the password by contacting one of the comitee!



ant mate this is what i am speaking about :wink:



VWCCGB still get the 10% discount on parts but as of today VWCCGB DO NOT qualify for the vwpartsclub scheme which is what the user ID and password are for :wink:


So if the CCGB dont qualify, why to VW send up the ID and Passwords :lol:

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I guess it depends on your dealer too.. back when I had my Corrado, my dealership was happy to offer me discounts (not sure if it was parts club, but it was good enough) on some of the lasts parts I bought before I sold my car.


I basically said I had heard some dealerships offered parts club discount for members of the Corrado Owners Club, and he said "Ok - well next time you come back we'll sort something out.." - so when I went back, he knocked me about £20 off a VW backbox as my other one rusted off! So that covered my membership for a year and I was pretty happy :)

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So if the CCGB dont qualify, why to VW send up the ID and Passwords


Exactly - there was a letter printer in the Sprinter from VW to the CCGB about there entitlement to the scheme!


I don't know what VW's problem is giving enthusiasts running older classic cars a few quid off certain parts!!! - the amount they must make off other parts and new cars!!!!

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It's in VWs interest to help us maintain our cars surely?


It adds to their illusion of build quality and reliability if there's loads of 10+ year old VW's still on the road in good shape.

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It adds to their illusion of build quality and reliability if there's loads of 10+ year old VW's still on the road in good shape.


I'm glad you used the word "illusion"...

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It's in VWs interest to help us maintain our cars surely?


It adds to their illusion of build quality and reliability if there's loads of 10+ year old VW's still on the road in good shape.


no they want you to buy a new one :lol:

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So if the CCGB dont qualify, why to VW send up the ID and Passwords


Exactly - there was a letter printer in the Sprinter from VW to the CCGB about there entitlement to the scheme!


I don't know what VW's problem is giving enthusiasts running older classic cars a few quid off certain parts!!! - the amount they must make off other parts and new cars!!!!


because the member ID and password is for an individual(Brian Rose) not for the VWCCGB........seemingly e-mail notification has gone out to VW-dealers........ if you don't believe me then please phone VW's press office and they will confirm this also ask your local dealer too as i was told that VW have told the dealers not to give VWpartsclub discount to VWCCGB.........this has only just happened btw so anything in sprinter is obviously out of date........and i'm also sure you will be able to still access it off the internet but for how long i do not know

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Can you email me all the details (Dealership etc) involved directly and I will get in touch with VW about this.


A couple of things in the meantime though:

1) VW Dealers are franchised and are (unfortunately) under no obligation to provide Parts Club prices themselves

2) I can assure you that my Dealership (in Bournemouth) would disagree with your Dealer's viewpoint. In fact they offered me a "local" Parts Club arrangement earlier this summer when they found out I was a Regional Host. Of course the fact that German & Swedish is 200yd down the road from them may influence thier decisions

3) In any event the CCGB has access to parts club stock via the Online Internet account we have with them. Details of that were in the Sprinter last year but if you need the details I'm sure I have them somewhere. I am fairly sure you can order online and have the bits delivered to your local dealer for collection.


Anyway mate, drop me a line. I'm curious to follow this up if I can...




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Sorry Roddy, I missed your post further up.


I will contact VW and see what kind of replacement deal I can broker. Based on my experiences down here I do not see how it will be a problem, as if all else fails my dealer will set us up an account.


I will let you know the outcome in due course.



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You have no idea... BTW are you up for a meeting in Stirling this Christmas? I'm on my way up again for Hogmonay :D


Also can you send me your personal email address Brian as (strangely) I don't have it. Send to mailto:[email protected]



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are you up for a meeting in Stirling this Christmas


HELL YEAH!!! Wouldnt miss it mate. Same plan as last year?


Now where was that tunnel.... :?



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That's all jolly interesting. My dealer says they are not members of the scheme, so I just haggle coz they see a lot of me. I'd like to see what comes of your investigating John

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That is true, not all dealers are part of the scheme as they are franchises.


I have been in touch with Volkswagen today and opened a dialogue with them on this and some other related subjects but it will probably be some time before I can report back.


Watch this space as they say...



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I am good pals with my local dealer and he gives me more than parts club discount :D parts club discount is only usally entitled to 10% which alot of the mechanics I know get, but they do me 15% which is pretty cool.

I'm quite fortunate in that as I used to work for VW, I only pay dealer cost for any parts that I buy !!


I have noticed though that VAG are really tight on discounts as most other manufactures offer 20% discount to trade.

VW dealers only get 25% discount from VWUK on most repair items & around 40% on most service items. Also IMO still provide the crapest aftersales backup on the planet.. :pukeright: :pukeleft:


As a comparison, Mercedes dealers get 35% on most repair items & 46% on most service items (including brake components). Used to work for them too.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You have no idea... BTW are you up for a meeting in Stirling this Christmas? I'm on my way up again for Hogmonay :D



Hey John how’s it going? Have you set a date for your trip? I've not seen anything announcements and as December becomes more of a drunken haze it becomes more probable that I'll miss the announcement! Been there for the last two years so would be rude not to!!! 8)

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I'm quite fortunate in that as I used to work for VW, I only pay dealer cost for any parts that I buy !!




As a comparison, Mercedes dealers get 35% on most repair items & 46% on most service items (including brake components). Used to work for them too.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


So the question has to be who do you work for now? or have you thrown in the spanner???

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