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Jim Bowen

Rear Discs and Rear Wheel Bearings

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the guy at VW said the bearing was part of the disc or something along those lines?


i want to replace both discs and bearings at the rear, do they come seperately or do you have to press them in somewho?

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Part of the bearing is pressed into the rear disc, but when i changed mine i didn't use a press - a suitably sized socket/punch and you can get the race out of the disc.


It would prob be a good idea to get new bearings at the same time as doing the disc to save messing with them in a few months when the old ones give up!

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Did one of mine this morning, took about 2 hours, bearings were £6 from GSF. My local garage wanted £300 quid to do it, an offer i clearly felt i could refuse (must remove the sign above my head that says 'idiot').


My tip, as with any job involving removal of the brake caliper, heat the 2 bolts up first, even if like me you only have a plumbing blowtorch, and then let them cool, possibly even squirt WD40 at them, it gets sucked in as they cool. This breaks the corrosion seal between bolt and hole. The Hex sockets are very shallow and get corroded inside. If you can get a hex key in there at all its dead easy to F*** 'em up trying to open them. (i had to pay the £300 the first time i tried it, know better now!)


Have just spent the money i saved on a Sat Nav :-)

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