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elecric shock

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should i be gettin a shock of the dizzy cap while the car is running? it bloody hurt :(

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Urrmmm not really unless its really rubbish plastic or has a crack in it......mines been grabbed a number of times without a problem! :wink:

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ok will check , couldn't be anything to do with an earth could it .

cheers nocrap.

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Nah, you wouldn't want it earthed would you as all the energy would be going down that rather than to the plugs...

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i dont think so as you would lose out on then amps and it is those 'mills that make the difference'.

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Isn't the cranking power of the ignition system a few thousand volts :shock: :shock: or am i talking poo?


If memory serves me right, and I'm going back to 1983 when I did my maintenance training for driving vehicles in the Army, at the HT Lead, you are getting 64,000 volts from the coil.



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Sounds like a static shock - if it was high tension you'd have sworn in the title... :)


Check the earth lead on the dizzy and as BC says replace the cap and maybe leads soon if old.

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It appears that you're correct Jonnyboyo!


Off topic slightly, but interesting none the less!!


Even though an ignition coil will produce about 10,000 volts, it actually less dangerous than the 110 volt that comes out of a wall socket. This because the ignition coil does not produce enough current to do a lot of harm. Also, the ignition coil will only produce high output voltages in transients on the input current. So if you are just firing it by stroking the wires across the battery terminals, you only get short bursts of voltage, not the continuous electricity coming out of a wall socket. So if safety is your concern, the safety that is to be gained by being able to fire your cannon from a safe distance outweighs the perceived danger of the high voltage.

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It is true, as already said that the voltage is high at this stage of the ignition system..


Volts hurt but its the amps that kill ...

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this was a pulsating shock , danced around like cowboy in a saloon . girlfriend was in stiches though . :shock:

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Volts jolts, amps cramps and mills kill!


what are these 'mills' you are on about? I haven't come across them anywhere!


And yes, there's at least 20kV coming out of the coil on the VW engine.


And yes, as already stated it's the amps that will kill you.


I've taken a shock from a faulty HT lead, it kinda stings for a second but that's it.





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Volts jolts, amps cramps and mills kill!


what are these 'mills' you are on about? I haven't come across them anywhere!


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mills as in amps.........therefore it must be something else that cramps............hummmmmmmm cant remember, never mind.


All i can say is that this thread is shocking :wink:

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