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G60 Cams all of them plus Thoughts.

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Hi all,


recently been thinking about a new cam for my g60 im not new to this neck of the woods talked about this alot when i had my last g60 when i was running a piper285 which i found fine on tickover but alot of the power was higher up the rev range!.


so now i have my new g60 and I will be putting a cam in it soon!


So of the g60 cams I know these questions crop up in my mind


which one yields the most power,


which one gives the best driveability,


and any other pros/cons of each cam for this engine...


So here are the cams i know of or the G60


Newman, Shrick 272 not sure of deg of cam, piper285, Standard, I cant remember if Kent cams do one!


So was hoping ppl could share there experiences with any of these cams and give note of where the power bands are?

what the driveability is like, what the cam on tickover is like? all these sort of things


So fire away.........


Cheers Andy

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there's lots of threads on this.. For me as said before its the schrick 268/276 as our preferd unit

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i believe the inlet lobes are 1 duration and the exhaus are the other. Ment to minimize valve overlap to keep boost levels up?


I could be talking out my arse tho

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Any more info on what the split duration is?


Split duration is when the valve timing is split not equally

For example the timing may be 26/66/66/26 on say a fast road cam, some cam designers change the valve closing timing to say 26/64/68/26. This can have good effects on high torque cams.

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