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To buy: VR6 or GTV V6 24V?

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WOuldn't mind reading a comparartive road test between these two.


The obvious difference is the practibility of the COrrado being so much superior with genuine room for adults in the back and decent size carrying in the boot.


Anyone driven both?

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You're asking on a Corrado Forum?

I would say they're like chalk and cheese. But what do I know, I own a Corrado...!

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Interestingly they're both featured in the current issue of Classic Cars magazine. Small piece on buying coupes of the nineties.


Both get good reviews, although the GTV gets a full page and the VR6 only half! :)


Gotta say, the interior on the GTV is wonderful, but the overall package of the Corrado is better (IMHO).

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Being that I own a 156 and a VR, I suppose I better poke my nose in! The interiors are the best thing about alfa's, though beware of the usual tacky plastic bits breaking, and the paintwork is probably about a tenth as thick as VW paintwork. if a gnat farts on it, it'll mark the paint. Other than that though I think it's a great car.


To be honest though, if you're looking at the two cars of the same age, I'd get a corrado every time. VW's are built to last (more so than alfa's anyway), and while parts can be bloody expensive, at least you know you can get them pretty quickly from the main dealers.

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Thanks guys some interesting replies - I'll have to pick up that Classic Car issue.



I recently sold my 16ver after nearly 10 years of ownership so I'm no Rado betrayer although I recognise it's a bit of a cheek asing on here! The thing is I've wanted a VR for ages but have also had a sneaking admiration for the GTV for many reasons really including the nice shape and surely a 6 speed 24v 3litre must fly on that size of car but I know when it come down to it as you say the rado is a better overall package esp for practicability. I just noticed a cat c gtv on ebay that seems reasonably priced but who knows.



I'm sure I'll get a VR but I'll still retain my admiration for the gtv!



Edit: I know historically Alfa's have suffered from inferior quality esp compared to VW's so that would seem like an obvious difference but I suppose they're better now than they have been.

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