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Trickle charger question

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Is the Corrado's lighter socket active when the car is switched off..? :?

1) Turn ignition off.

2) Push lighter in.

3) Wait short time.

Then you'll know :)

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Yes the ciggie lighter is active when the ignition is off. Or at least, you can charge the car through it when the ignition is off, but I don't think you can draw much current from the socket unless the engine is running.

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yeah i wouldn't think it'd be the most efficient way of charging the battery. it'd work fine, but not as good as connecting it straight onto the battery

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No, it's fine, it's only generating a couple of hundred milliamps anyway, so a few % loss between the ciggie lighter and the battery is neither here nor there. At best these trickle chargers are enough to prevent the battery from being actually drained when there's sunlight on them though, it'll still creep towards flat overnight.. don't expect to leave the car for months on end and still have a full battery!

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