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1 wheel rub

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Greetings fellow corrado-folk,


I present to you a fresh problem with the car, this time it's related to my wheels.


Just bought and fitted borbet As:


7.5 ET20 front with 205/45R16 Falkens

9.0 ET15 rear with 215.40R16


Riding on a 40mm drop (Crappy springs, indeed!)


The wheels do fit nicely, with no rubbing or touching problems on all but 1 wheel! (Rear drivers side). Went over a couple of potholes, hearing the dirty noise where a tyre slams into an arch...not good


My tyre has subsequentally been raped, but luckily still legal :)


Looking at the back, I noticed that this wheel actually sticks out about an inch more than the other side, checked for a spacer, but there was nothing. I don't think that having the arch rolled would help, as the edge is cutting into the tyre, shredding bits off over bumpy bits.


This leaves me wondering why its doing this, and how I can fix it. Please could you advise as to what you think it could be. Possibilities include:


a) Trailing/swing arm looks a little bent outwards, but I'm not 100%. (can get pics..)


b) I've been told that the shock looks like its on its way, which is hardly surprising as the car is on 40mm springs (No, i didn't put them on!).


possible solutions:


a) Arches rolled + Coilovers, raise the rear ride height (although if anything, it needs to be dropped more!) - Coilies happen to be next on my purchase list.


b) Arches pulled - pricey, last last last resort


c) Swing arm replacement - Is this even possible? ££?


d) Take it into a garage - abandon all hope! leave it to the "pro's!"


I will try and get some pics sorted, but if anyone can advise or help with a solution, I'd be most grateful

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not a clue, i don't think they should do


are all the rims the same offset? obviously if something is bent that would cause it, but its hard to tell from where i'm sitting :lol:

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I thought so too :(


I'll get some pics posted up when I have time to take the wheels off, maybe then someone can shed light on the situation :)

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Worn rear bushes,bent stub? The axel can also be moved around to adjust the rear end front to rear toe by the four bolts either side that bolt to the floor...has it been removed to replace bushes?


Have you had any body damage ?


Lots of reasons.. :lol:

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As far as i've been told, there has been no damage, but I beg to differ. Whilst changing a steering pump a couple of months ago, I managed to pick off some filler under the arch o_O!!


Hopefully this problem can be easily sorted out, but seeming as I don't know what i'm looking for I'll have to get some pics uploaded methinks...unless someone nr Croydon can come diagnose? ££

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Sounds like the rear beam has had a whack, possibly shifting it out of alignment.


How bad is the overhang?


Does the other wheel seem to sit in the arch about the same as this one sticks out?


There is a small amount of adjustment on the rear beam as the brackets that bolt to the car use eccentric holes.


Aside from that the is no early/late type width issue as their is on the front wings, the best way to get this all checked is to get a 4 wheel alignment done and see if it all lines up properly.

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