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0-60 times??

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Wasn't sure which section to post this in but most the fun stuff happens under 'engine bay' so here goes...


How many of you have tried to accurately time your 0-60 times and absolutely destroyed the manufacturer?


I'd say my valver runs around 25ish brake more then standard on 15's with half decent tyres but last night I was consistantly pulling 6.7's out with my girlfriend timing it!!

I'm aware 'Rado speedo's run a touch quick so she was stopping the clock on around 62mph, and I tried absolutely burying it into the redline in second to get there and also changing into third at around 6500.


Does anyone know how aggressive VW are when they test them as I was very, very pleased and would've had to of been driving like a complete muppet to get near the 8.9 as quoted...has anyone else been equally pleased with thier results?


P.S...I know in the real world 0-60 times are pretty pointless but it's all a bit of fun isn't it :)

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You need 1/4 mile type laser timing gear, or a RaceLogic V-Box to get accurate times.


I would expect a high miler valver to be a shade quicker than what VW quote as it's well documented that old 16V engines are looser and quicker than new ones.


VW do 2 or 3 runs in each direction and take the average. They fill the car with ballast equivalent to 1 passenger and half a tank of fuel and I would guess they're pretty brutal with the gas :lol: They have to test all real world scenarios.


Evo reckon the VR6 does 60 in 6.3 seconds, but VW reckon on about 6.9 I think.....but at the end of the day, that .6 second difference is about half a car length!

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Doubt you'd get under 7secs with a 25 extra brake tbh, might be wrong though


Trust me thats what I thought, I am very realistic about my cars performance and every now and then I do a few little tests to make sure all is well. (When your playing with so few ponies I like to keep track of them so they don't get away)


Although I have absolutely sod all torque it is definately a bit spicey off the mark but I didn't expect that,


Unfortunately I snapped my gear selector link whist racing a mates 1.8t A3 practicing for the GTI inters 1/4 mile, so missed my chance to get an accurate reading...maybe next year.

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borrow a road angel or something, my 16v (on 15's) over-reads by about 7mph at 30 and about 10mph at 60 :lol:


If you think you can hit 70mph on the speedo (before the rev limiter cuts in at 7,200rpm) in 2nd then it's probably over reading a fair bit too, red line in 2nd is about 60mph on a 1.8 16v gearbox with 195-50-15's.

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Thats not a bad idea actually, might blag a road angel for an evening.


I did that second mfa readout thing which showed my limiter is set at 7400, if I keep my foot in until around 7300 it can hit about 65mph, funnily enough my piston rings have struck me off their xmas card list since I found that out!


I think my speedo isn't too far off as it reads around 138 at top wack, not that I've ever seen it with my own eyes officer :)

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If you're doing it yourself do as road testers do.

A bit brutal but instead of lifting left foot off clutch slide it off to the right,( instant bite ), :shocked!: then don't use clutch to change to second, just yank it in :roll:

As I said, brutal, but what the likes of Clarkson do :D

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When you're arguing about a second or two, it's not possible to say anything like for sure without professional recording equipment..

My old 1984 1.6 Cavalier was ~2 seconds quicker than "book" to 60, but hey, I'd never claim that was down to anything other than my own dodgy timings.. ;)

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best bet is to haul ass up to santa pod or somwhere to get a more accurate idea.


In my experience 9 times out of ten peoples cars a slower than they think :lol:


Also "guessing" horse power increases from modifications is utterly pointless!!

You have to go on a rolling road,get a stock figure (as stock figures vary a lot from car to car) then go back to that same rolling road in similar weather conditions,mainly temperature related,after each modification.


Soo many times ive seen chumps turn up with tons of bling bling engine parts that they dont even need only to make less than stock power :lol:


Theres my negative take on it all anyway.


Not sure how the corrado ECU's work but honda ones can be reampped with eprom chips so you can have launch conrol,that'll help you're 0-60 time,either that or strip it right out 8)

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The Sky Car Programme had that 'Horse Power Heroes' section with people coming along with their kitted up cars that they'd spent thousands on, remap, exhuast, injectors, turbo upgrade, and most of the bhp figures went backwards.


Remember a woman who'd got the new Corsa VXR and spent £3-4000 on engine mods. Stuck it on the R/R and the car made 4bhp more than Vauxhalls book figure.

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To be honest I've never been super bothered about bhp figures, It's all about how you get the power down and the end result that matters.


If I added up all of the manufacturer claimed figures from all the bits I've put on mine then I'd apparently have about 210bhp which is obviously never gonna happen.


Just as long as my 16 year old toy can hold off the newer stuff for a few more years then I'm happy. It's funny watching high-tune cars putting in slower then book times on the 1/4mile just because the drivers are useless. You'd think they'd leave thier money in thier pocket and just practise launching a bit.


As for that

don't use clutch to change to second, just yank it in

...I think that's best saved for Enterprise rent a cars :)

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Just thought to finish this one off I'd report back that I borrowed a sat-nav and my speedo over reads by a fair amount.


At around 66mph mine only just reads 60, so much for my optimism.


I knew this was a bit of a problem on C's but that seems a touch excessive.


Still a fair bit quicker then book time though, so it just goes to show a worn in 16v can be quite a bit of fun if you treat it right (still want a tuned G60 though :) )

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