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engine bay tapping noise - its running now!!

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push the shaft back towards the wheel, due to the way constant velocity joints work they have a couple of inches of clearance.

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push the shaft back towards the wheel, due to the way constant velocity joints work they have a couple of inches of clearance.


I doubt you'll get enough clearance I'm afraid... I reconnect the driveshafts while the engine is an inch or two above the mounts.


Now it's boklted in, your best bet is to take the wheel off and diconnect the bottom ball joint so you can pull the whole hub away from the gearbox.


Nice to see it's coming along now Hasan :)

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Cheers for that Tom. Its taken its time though, i can tell you 8)


I'm looking to fit the Konis soon - removing the old struts, would that give me the clearance i need? If not, how do you remove the ball joint? Is it just (i say just, there's nothing 'just' on a Corrado :) ) removing teh three lower bolts on the wishbone?

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yes thatll give you the clearance you need. I made this mistake last year and couldnt be arsed hoisting the engine out again. Unbolted the two bolts that hold the strut to the hub and bobs your uncle

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on a side note id try and get your carpet out sharpish. Its not the wet carpet youe got to worry about, its the sponge sound deadening thats underneath and glued to the floor. It soaks up the water and starts to rot very quickly


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cheers for that peanut. Actually took them out when i saw the pond in there. The insulation had separated from the bituminous layer so i washed the pieces gently and dried them when it was sunny. Helps to remove teh odour too so they will now need to be stuck back on with some carpet adhesive spray. In fact when the interior comes out i'll give all th einsualtion a wash to freshen it all up again. Some new Cloud 9 underlay, a bit of Damplifier and were ready to be boxed up again.

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some loose connectors, anyone help with where these are supposed to go? Unfortunately the camera has focussed on the background in a couple, but i hope you get the idea. A few progress shots too.

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OK, most of the connectors now sorted. The red wire from the aircon compressor, what does that connect to? Also, there is a screw on the other side of the alternator which looks like it should have something on it. Will post some pics later this evening.

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OK, aircon connector also sorted :)


Not all plain sailing though, connected everyhting up ready to start the engine but there is a short between the plus and minus of the battery leads :? I've tried to trace things back but i'm totally stumped. As soon as i put the neg on the battery it sparked like anything and burnt the top of the terminal. using a multimeter it seems that the two leads are shorting. Any suggestions? Its really frustrating especially as i'm almost there. :censored: :censored:

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have you put the + terminal on the starter motor to the right bolt? it's easy to get the earth and + strap mixed up.


Is the three pin wire for the speed sensor on the gearbox? Were my directions for the wires not right?

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have you put the + terminal on the starter motor to the right bolt? it's easy to get the earth and + strap mixed up.


Is the three pin wire for the speed sensor on the gearbox? Were my directions for the wires not right?


I removed all three cables individually to the starter but it still shows a closed circuit. I also disconnected the +ve red connector on the starter for good measure - i think this is just for the solenoid though. I'll get some pics tomorrow evening hopefully of the starter and alternator. Btw, this is before the ignition has be turned ie just as the battery is connected.


How should the wires to the starter go Tom?


Yes i think the three pin wire is there - do you mean this one?2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSCN2453.JPG[/attachment:lop9761j]

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Any ideas? I'll take some pics tonight of the starter motor. Its seems to be something local in the bay as you cant even connect the battery.

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right mate,first disconect the lead from the alternaotor and then retry to connect the battery leads,if still the same reconnect the alternator and the lug with the 8mm nut on the back of the alternator is supposed to hold the alternator lead which runs allong the crack pipe to battery,make sure this lead runs to the starter motor positive terminal and the the from starter to battery,thats how the alternator and starter are wired up.


Then trace the earth from the neg of the battery to the 10mm post on the chassis leg behind the battery and then this attaches to one of the top gearbox bolts.this is this batterys circut make sure this is right first.


if that fails,start to disconnect one item at a time,starter,then recheck and so on but dont reconnect anything that you have disconnected untill the battery has stoped shorting.


but i thing you have the neg of the battery attached to the starter as a dead short will have to be something like the main cables shorting .


if still stuck mate,pm me and i will ring you.

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OK, disconnected the alt and starter but still shorting. Looks like the two red leads from the +ve terminal are shorting. These are the fat single red lead (heavy duty) and the thinner single red lead, not the twin cable. Now these go into a loom tube and look like they go into the cabin. Just wondering if the little pond i had in the rear footwell has somehow contributed to the problem??

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James, yes, well, no :( Firstly, many thanks for calling me and for your advice.


I had connected the negative incorrectly as you advised, but i'm still getting a short on the two cables below:stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfDSC00516.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]


even when disconnected from the positive battery terminal.Corrado92.pdfDSC00518.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]


This next one is connected to the negative on the side of the starterpassat climatronic wiring diags.pdfDSC00520.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]


and these next two one on the positive (from the alternator):climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSC00521.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00523.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]


this is the positive on the starter (bolt thread) with the negative connector for the starter solenoid:DSC00526.JPG[/attachment:b2eoz3er]


are these all correct?


Even when all are disconnected there is a closed circuit from the top two red cables to the negative. I have connected the end of the earth behind the battery post to the gearbox mounting bolt just to the side of the starter with a 10mm nut, just cant see where else it should go, tbh.


Its hugely frustrating, you're almost there and one s##tty cable is messing everything up. Felt like torching the motor this afternoon :bad-words: :bad-words:

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they look all right,still confused how they can have a short to ground? i will have to look at a electrical manual to find out where they go bud,but in the mean time try to trace them down the loom and find out were the begin,but keep disconecting eveything ! :(

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they look all right,still confused how they can have a short to ground? i will have to look at a electrical manual to find out where they go bud,but in the mean time try to trace them down the loom and find out were the begin,but keep disconecting eveything ! :(


I cant understand the short to ground either? Bizarre. The problem is that both of these go into a loom which is wrapped in fabric tape. I dont want to start undoing that, it'll be a minefield...


I've basically disconnected all the visible connectors and checked for continuity, but still no change (ir still short to ground). Its as though there is something connected/wired incorrectly. However, to add to the confusion, sometimes one of the red leads (cant remember which) shows no short, sometimes a small amount that gradually fades to zero over 2-3 secs, as though a capacitor is discharging, sometimes a very strong short. I checked continuity between the negative battery connector and the gearbox bolt and there was GREATER resistance than this short, suggesting a very strong or clear connection.

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In Bentley, it shows the four red cables as follows:


the 4mm one goes to track 107

the 6mm one goes to track 41

the 16mm goes to the starter (OK)

and the other 6mm one goes to Y/3, which i understand is relay panel connector Y terminal 3.


I dont understand this track business :shrug: so i'm not sure where to go from here...


Oh, an there is one that goes to the aircon (the double connector red), which is also OK.

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