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Insurance not paying as written off B4...Advice?

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My insurance Company is saying that my car [see this thread http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 17&t=62387] has been written off before

and are claiming that it may not have been repaired to an adequate standard, whereby invalidating my insurance and therefore, my personal injury claim to the to$$er who did this and left me unable to walk/sit for the next couple of months [turns out I have a cracked pelvis and LOTS of internal bruising].


As far as I'm aware the fact that it had a valid MOT is proof positive that the car is deemed safe but I am really clueless as how to progress, so if anyone in the know has any advice I'd be truly grateful.


Many thanks

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I find it odd your insurance company is saying that. What category write off was it before? If it was a D no inspection would have been required before going back on the road. If a C it would have required a VIC but that doesn't check for roadworthiness anyway. If the test centre spot that it's still a wreck they'll not allow it to go back on the road but as yours has a valid MOT and everything I can't see how your insurer can argue with that. And if it was A or B it shouldn't have gone back on the road at all. It's a little while since I worked in Motor but I can speak to some people at work on Monday if you want. Insurance companies are just t*ssers. I know. I work for one.

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I agree! Also get onto the Insurance ombudsman ASAP!


Shouldn't halt you PE claim though, as you paid seperatley for that policy

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Dig out the car's history. The insurance company would have KNOWN when you took out the policy that the previous write-off took place, and the outcome of it, it's all on their big-arse database.

So if they had their suspicions they should have refused to cover you then, not now.


The only reason they may have just cause to not pay out is if there's something dodgy about the previous write-off and someone massaged the facts to get the car back on the road.

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