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Brick throwing little goits = (

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Just read an article in our local paper, the almighty "Evening Star", and apparently there are pikey little scrots throwing bricks at cars off the bridges over the A14. Nailed 4 people in 9 days. Luckily nobody has been seriously hurt but someone's scooby has been trashed. And I have to drive home this evening under the very bridges where these things have happened. Have these "people" really got nothing better to do? :mad: :censored: :bad-words:

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anywhere to pull over near these bridges?


Had a similar thing happen years ago when I was in my Cab, roof down and got water bombed from a disused rail bridge.. Never knew the cab could stop or reverse so quickly.. jumped out, straight up the embankment just in tiome to see the little scrotes dive into some bushes.


I pulled two out and the ohers followed.. threatened them with dropping them off the bridge.. never happened again..


Otherwise, set fire to them! :lol:

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Unfortunately there's no way you'd be able to stop. It just boggles the mind that people could be so stupid. They should just be put to the sword. Why should innocent people have to suffer the ravening idiocy of people like that? Especially when it's threatening their lives. Where's the justice aye???? :lol: Even though you were only hit by a water bomb which is seemingly harmless that sort of thing could still result in a very serious accident.

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I genuinely think they just don't know that it could actually kill someone. Thats the only explanation I can come up with for that sort of stupidity.

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I blame the parents.. personally.


Yeah, I do too. To be honest they probably don't much care that their kids are out committing attempted murder, just so long as they are not getting in the way of the telly whilst Eastenders is on.

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Some halfwit trashed my baby a few months ago, bolder bounced on the bonet, kicked near side wing and smashed windscreen. Car was parked 100 yards up the street as the back garden was getting done, no houses near it. some one walked up the road kicked a few cars and my corrado got the most of it didn't here the alarm as the front engine mount neaded replacing and there was little life in the battery. dont no where the idiots get off we've all been kid (asuming no adults are that sad!) but i didn't do anything this mindless. only god point i can take out of it is it was due to be painted and the price didn't change as a mate is doing it for me. i'd love to find out who did it but it's probably a good job i dont no!

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I blame the parents.. personally.


Yeah, I do too. To be honest they probably don't much care that their kids are out committing attempted murder, just so long as they are not getting in the way of the telly whilst Eastenders is on.


Hunting rifle and a powerful scope? :lol:

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I genuinely think they just don't know that it could actually kill someone. Thats the only explanation I can come up with for that sort of stupidity.


Sorry Officer, I genuinely didn't think smashing the little tw@t over the head with an iron bar would kill him.....

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I think the little tw@ts would make perfect practice for police marksmen, make them think twice when there mates head suddenly explodes.

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Back when I lived in California, there were kids standing on the side of the road pointing airsoft (bb) guns at cars that drove by. That caused quite a ruckus, but nobody was ever injured.


Some parents need to keep better control over their kids, seriously.

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