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Mystic Rado

VR6 Coilpack repair - anyone done it?

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I think my coilpack died the other night - driving down to London in the pissing rain, starts running consistently on four cylinders and sounding like a sick Scooby of all things, copious WD40 made no difference, ended up calling the AA and as it was nine at night, they couldn't do anything so ended up getting trailered back home. AA man said coilpack as well, which was my first thought.


I did some digging on the net and quite a few people stateside have dried out their coilpack - oven, hairdryer - then covered the cracks in the plastic case that apparently cause the problems, with high temperature epoxy. Just wondering if anyone here's tried this and whether it worked. I guess it's viable if the only issue is the casing, but do the coilpacks also break down internally and die with age? :?


Should I just bite the bullet and buy a new coilpack - where from, there's some cheapos on eBay with a three-year guarantee, anyone used one? - or is there mileage in replacing it? I don't really want to 'fix' the problem then get stranded again a few weeks or months down the line. I guess what I might do is buy a new coilpack anyway then see if I can repair the existing one too. That way if it does go, I can simply stick the new one in at the side of the road.


Any thoughts?

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Mine did exactly the same thing about six months ago- I think you can repair a coilpack that is causing a misfire because its got open cracks- but yours sounds like its completely failed; you might even find its got no cracks in at all (mine looked perfect even after 110k- but had failed completely internally).


Think I got mine from ECP out on the hillsborough road- about £152 :(

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Mine did exactly the same thing about six months ago- I think you can repair a coilpack that is causing a misfire because its got open cracks- but yours sounds like its completely failed; you might even find its got no cracks in at all (mine looked perfect even after 110k- but had failed completely internally).


Think I got mine from ECP out on the hillsborough road- about £152 :(


Cheers, that's kind of what I was thinking. I've not had time to have a proper look yet - only just got back from London - in situ it looks fine, but it had completely taken out one pair of cylinders, no surging or intermittent running, just on four all the time. I think I'll replace it anyway, at least then I know it's right. Chances are it's the original, so it's getting on a bit.

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i fixed mine without much fuss. You cant see the cracks untill you get the thing out and have a good look. I posted some pix on this thread, but the images have all gone :( .


Anyway, use JB Weld if you gonna fix it yourself. You will probably have to order off interweb.

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Would not recommend paying over £10 for a second hand one, and then only if you are totally skint, desperate and prepared to gamble.


The cracks can be very difficult to see - even if you have the thing in your own mitts on a bright sunny day!


Our chum's link to the guys doing one for £95 is probably one of the best money savers on here for a while. :thumb right:

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Well, just taken the coilpack out and it's a mess, the plastic has cracked big time on one side, so I'm pretty confident that's the problem. I'm guessing it's the original as well, branded Telefunken, so hopefully a new one'll sort it out.

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If the car is misfiring and you suspect the coilpack, if you mist it with a water spray bottle with the engine running you'll see some sparking. best done at night so you see the sparks. No need to drench though!

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