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Hello fellow Corrado lovers, I hope we are all well.


This wet weather over the last few days has caused a problem, as there is a small crack in my bonnet which means drips have water have gone through. I think this has affected electrics as it occasionally takes a couple of attempts to start and then needs revving before it wants to go.


Maybe someone from the 'shire??!! Local contacts?


Mel xx

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Welcome to the forum :)


First of all, moving because this is a section for questions and comments about the site.


What do you mean by there's a crack in the bonnet?? A bit of water is unlikely to cause many problems in itself but there are a number of other things to check over first if you could describe the problem in more detail.

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Hello fellow Corrado lovers, I hope we are all well.


This wet weather over the last few days has caused a problem, as there is a small crack in my bonnet which means drips have water have gone through. I think this has affected electrics as it occasionally takes a couple of attempts to start and then needs revving before it wants to go.


Maybe someone from the 'shire??!! Local contacts?


Mel xx


Hi Mel, Welcome to the fourm. What engine is in your rado? Can you describe the problems you are having a bit more?

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A few weeks ago I was parked next to some scaffolding and I assume some masonry fell from on high and hit the bonnet, thereby cracking and denting it. One of those things I never got round to sorting out and when it pissed down a load of water seems to have got in. A friend says the spark plugs could have rusted (as I went on three weeks holiday after it had happened) and the car never moved in that time but I don't want to go poking about with stuff I'm not so clear on.


Basically you turn the key and it begins to turn over, but needs a fair few revs before it kicks in and starts properly. My knowledge on this is pretty low but friends have said it could be something that I could sort pretty easily and I don't want to spend money I don't need to in a garage.


Bye for now





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ok, well im chris, and i live in malvern so not far from you at all, first off what model is it?? if its a valver you may find that because of the rain and cold weather its your cold start playing up which is quite common, mine did do it all the time but bought a new sensor which is about 20£ tops i think, if you want any help let me know and ill pm you my number etc and i can put you in touch with a mate of mine who is a top notch mechanic with his own garage that deff wont rip you off!! makes a change nowadays.

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hey there buddy i'm a fellow shireling and would be more than happy to have a quick look at it sometime if your about.


my name's Pete (shockingly!) and my number is 07888701877 - gimme a buzz sometime if ya like...

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Amazing how many C owners there are in/around Herefordshire ( given how few people actually live here...)


dont you think it might be the fact she female that everyones coming out of the woodwork andwilling to 'have a luck'........ :lol: :lol: :lol: or am i been sceptical

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