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Leaks, Leaks and more leaks!

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Ok wonder if anyone can point in right direction again, losing water initially, turned out to the a slight crack in the thermo housing which was getting worse.


All that replaced and fine you think, yes coolant level to max mark when hot and sat inbetween when cold..


But very short lived as now losing again, initially couldn't see anything under the car but after today certainly can.


This time its the opposite side of the engine from the housing and the drips seem to be coming from two places or maybe its one but its leaving two lots once its fell to the ground.


Whats sort of stuff lurks in and around this side of the engine, any pointers and likely candidates.



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Shite sorry, thought some folk would remember with amount of probs had in next to no milage over the last year...


95 VR6 Storm...or was that VR6 Sieve :lol:


At this rate, I'll be turning Japanese or just using the Golf all the time lol

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So guess its sounding like that then, is it low down or quite high up.


Am I right in thinking the VR6 has two water pumps.


The water seems to be dripping onto a pipe that runs along the bottom, it seems to be quite oily, also seems to be water sitting on the edge of the sump I think it is

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Head gasket has been mentioned to me with regards to losing water in the past, but it's not had the obvious tell tale signs, is it possible that is is the head gasket and water is trying to find ways out.


I don't have a clue just going on what others have said, I notice the hoses are gettting really hot and you can squeeze them but not much.


Wondering if its a case of me fixing things one after the other and each time something else goes pop...


Or maybe just a coincidence?

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First signs of a head gasket leaking is excess pressure in the cooling system.

This can result in hoses splitting plus plastic elbows and plastic rad tanks cracking.

I suggest you get a compression test done on each cylinder.

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First signs of a head gasket leaking is excess pressure in the cooling system.

This can result in hoses splitting plus plastic elbows and plastic rad tanks cracking.

I suggest you get a compression test done on each cylinder.


Well I did have a expansion tank cap obliterate an it was a blue one but halfords special, that hasn't happened since it was replaced with blue VW one.


Its hard to see where this water is coming from exactly without car being up on a ramp, is it possible the water comes out the head itself.


A mechanic did say if head gasket gone hoses might start to blow.


A mate said he would do a compression test but what with xmas etc its been a non starter on that front

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It does have 2 pumps, a main one (low down on the left front edge of engine as you loonk in) and an auxillary on the right next to the coil pack..


Could be the main one, they arent too pricey, any chance of a pic of the area?

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It seems to be dripping from somewhere above that pipe and above the thing to the left that its connected too, guessing pump?


There also seemed to be water onthe lip of the sump, I'm guessing the oily look it left on the ground was just with it picking up some on the way down or is it possible oil/water mix.

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The pump is to the left..


If it is coming from above there have you checked the crack pipe wjich runs across th front of the engine from the stat housing?? It is plastic so is a possible weak link?

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Another possibility is power steering fluid coming from the power steering pipe. Prob coolant though- as Michael says, could well be the crack pipe, as it seems to be dripping down from that sort of area.

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id go with crack pipe, the liile rubber hose coming off it to the oil filter housing or even the thermostat housing itself and its dripping down along the crack pipe


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The pump is to the left..


If it is coming from above there have you checked the crack pipe wjich runs across th front of the engine from the stat housing?? It is plastic so is a possible weak link?


Had a lad do all the housing for me and would imagine he would have checked that, infact think he did, how long does this pipe run across to the left as the water seems to be more left of central.


I bought one of those Bentley manuals but havent had much of a chance too look at it and its not here right now and it probably wont make a lot of sense to me :lol:

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It does run a fair way across the front of the block. Id have a look but my car is at the other end of the country..

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Just because its been changed doesnt mean to say its not leaking, did he do the thermostat at the same time with new gasket? the crack pipe runs across the front of the block from the back of the water pump housing to the thermostat housing.

The crack pipe is an interference fit into the back of the water pump housing, if this has been moved when he changed the thermostat housing theres a good chance its cracked as they get very brittle over time and dont like any movement. Or even if the O-ring where the crack pipe fits in the thermostat housing isnt seated properly this also could be leaking



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Cheers Gav.


I remember him doing it as I was about at times talking to him and held a torch while he done the twin fan belt without taking all apart.


I gave him a new R32 stat to put in , he asked if I had an o-ring for the pipe but I never had one, did have all the others associated and he said it didnt matter anyway as it was in good shape. The other ones were a bit ropey right enough.

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