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Advice - Bottom end gone

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Just need a bit of input about what to do. I've had the head rebuilt on my vr about 6 months ago cos it was burning oil. Although it fixed one problem i had with a shitty valve it hasn't stopped it burning oil. Think the oil ring has gone, or the bore. I just got it back from the garage for their thoughts, and they've told me i need to either buy a short block or get it bored out. Both have they're advantages and disadvantages. I've spent loads on the car with new coilovers and exhaust etc so want to keep it.


The guy at the garage is going to try and source a new block for me and get a price. His reasoning is that with a new block i get all new chains and tensioners and don't have to worry about it. Or i can get it bored out and replace all that sort of stuff.


I don't really know much about all this sort of stuff yet. So just want to get opinions from people who've had to do the same thing.



To add insult to injury the lacquer peeled off my rear bumper last week so now the car looks like a nail as well.

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Another 24V reason maybe? I have a bottom end you can have for £100 if you like? Had new chains about 10k ago and new oil pump about 20k ago, just because I put on a new sump. Not sure what condition it is in (it was fine before I took it out) but it's on 128k so it's not new but it buys you breathing space.


The head on it needed new tappets etc and rather than get a head rebuild I went for the 24V option so the 12V is just kind of sitting around out of the car now....

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Oooh that sounds promising. Just out of interest how easy is a 24v conversion? Surely you need new management as well. That gets even more expensive. What's a ball park figure for a 24v conversion, all in inc. the engine and fitting etc. I'm only young so money is very much an issue.

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How much can you do yourself? I'm currently doing the install now with the help of a friend (i no longer have a garage and he's good with the wiring) and I am in the process of doing a wiring diagram for the conversion; as more of us get landed with expensive engine refurbs. Your looking at 1500 for a 2.8 and 2200 for an R32/Audi 3.2 (same engine roughly) for the parts, low milers. Labour is the killer if your not doing it yourself, but it's not difficult except the wiring. If you can take out an engine then you probably have the nouse to do a swap.

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I'm useless with spanners. That's why i'm so concerned about having to pay someone to do a conversion. The labour is going to be so damned expensive. Thinking i'll sell my spare wheels and just get saving over the next couple of months and get it done :(

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If you get a new bottom end, I would be happy to swap your head on to it and swap the engines over...


...after i've fixed my car! :lol:

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Ah what!! That would be freaking amazing. I thought it was too cheeky to even ask, but thats a very real possibilty as the weathers getting better too. I'm tempted to get a second hand block and get it bored out with new pistons then slap that bad boy in.


Just gonna get saving and sell a few organs then see how it goes.


Could it be turned around in a weekend?


We shall discuss.

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Had mine rebored last year, new pistons, rings pumps, head rebuilt, guides etc etc etc

Cost was approx 3,400 in total, but I put in new clutch chains guides etc etc. That includes 1100 quid for the garage to take out engine and rebuid and put back in.

Mighty fine engine now tho.... :D It can get really silly but the big price is the rings and pistons, and some of the con rod bolts. 112 quid for 12 bolts arghhhhhh



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my head has already been rebuilt 6 months ago which cost 980 alone. I was given a ball park figure of about 3k to have a block rebored and put in, if i supplied the block that is. Its a LOT of money...

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