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!! M25 Variable cameras jcts 10-15!!

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Taken from a posting on ED38:


A friend of mine in the Met police sent me this today. Now I know none


of you would ever break the speed limit, but I still thought you might


be interested in this....




I have received information from RPU Traffic Management that the company


who look after the Variable Speed cameras between Jct 10 - 15 on the M25


on behalf of the Metropolitan police are ACTIVATING the cameras from






The current cameras are analogue and the speed for enforcement is set at


93mph. However the system is changing to Digital and the Commissioner


has directed the company to set the cameras at ACPO guidelines, this


will be 80mph.



I noticed workmen on the gantries along this section a few weeks ago so appears to be real... So that will mean a variable speed limit all the way from the M40 to the A3..

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Basically about 1/4 of the M25 will be under an enforced Variable speed limit.....


Oh and I noticed that the Variable speed Gantries are still in place between Jct 25 and 27 (A10 to M11) from when they were doing all the roadworks that way last year, no cameras just Gantries..


So maybe they'll extend it over the top as well?


M25 to become one complete Variable speed limit? Very probably!

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M25 to become one complete Variable speed limit? Very probably!


That would assume traffic is still moving, but I just refer to the M25 as one gigantic car park :lol: Travel up and down the blasted thing quite a lot, too. Once got zapped by a camera along Heathrow few months ago, but nothing arrived, so the analogue cameras probably didn't have film or no-one bothered emptying the things.



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Eric, I rememeber by ex-bro in law saying the analouges wen't loaded because they'd spend all day re-filling them! They were there as a deterant... Now with Didgi cams no more film, and average speeds over the whole section so no more "blasting" between gantries either! :(


Low emmisions zone in London starts today too... soon we won't be able to drive our "old polluting" cars into the capital!

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Is it a good idea posting up information saying the police have set the cameras to 93mph? That's not supposed to be publically known :lol:


From Cambridge, there's like a 40 mile stretch of the A14 that has Average speed cameras. A right royal pain in the arse :?


Mind you, thanks to the large number of stupid, carrot crunching, cauliflower chewing feckwits out there who drive 10-15mph under the speed limit; your chances of getting flashed are remote!!

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