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help with max corrado milleage?

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New to the forum, and in the process of shopping for a 2.0 16v corrado :D i know the engines on vw's in general are sturdy, but what would everyone say, is a well looked after 2.0 16v good for? ive heard they do 200,000k no problem? is this true? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!

thank you!

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Yeah, it's true. A well looked after Valver is good for 200k. Just look for one with plenty of history with no expense spared by previous owners. And every Rado is gonna have problems. They're really old now. Regardless of mileage. Unless it's been completely restored recently... in which case the mileage would be pretty much irrelevant anyhow.


Oh, and welcome to the forum me lado! 8) :D

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thanks mate thats really appreciated! the one im looking at is a 1995 model with 150,000 on the clock, its going for just under £2000 and looks immaculate in and out with full history... would you say if well looked after it could be a winner, or from what uve seen is that a bit on the pricey side? ive seen alot of corrados with less mileage and similar,but real dogs in and out...im just a little bewildered by the whole shopping experience! haha once again thanks!

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Judge the car on it's condition rather than mileage, allthough mileage will have some baring on the value.


Good luck with your search :)

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If I was looking for a car that I was going to keep for a while I'd happily part with 2 grand for one in good nick. If we're talking about 200k then that car may have up to 5 more years left in it depending on how much mileage you put on it. Which makes 2 grand sound a real bargain. It is difficult though, there is so much to consider when judging what a Rado is worth these days. Whereabouts is the car? There may be someone off here who can go and view it.

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sorry mate that was really helpfull of ya! ive been busy as hence the stupidly late reply....the one i was looking at was a silver beast in leicster but its been sold! :'( theres one in london with 154,000 on the clock...its under £1600 atm...guy seems really helpfull and its got loadsa paper work...also has anyone heard of a car dealer called TCS in derby? they say their corrado specialists...just their a bit of a trek...was wandering if anyones had any experiences?


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sorry mate that was really helpfull of ya! ive been busy as hence the stupidly late reply....the one i was looking at was a silver beast in leicster but its been sold! :'( theres one in london with 154,000 on the clock...its under £1600 atm...guy seems really helpfull and its got loadsa paper work...also has anyone heard of a car dealer called TCS in derby? they say their corrado specialists...just their a bit of a trek...was wandering if anyones had any experiences?


Do a search for TCS and you'll find a few post's i'll bet!!

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If I was looking at a 159k mile valver I'd look out for a top end rebuild. Certainly look for blue smoke


I'd avoid TCS and stick with private buying. Only because you're lining someone else's pocket with your hard earned. If you read up on the various buyers guides and the forum's Knowledge Base you'll learn loads:




And use the forum's pre-viewing facility:




You can't go far wrong :smug:

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Personaly I wouldn't worry about lining someones pocket - if the car in question is a good one and is at a price you think is fair you'd be cutting your nose off to spite your face by not buying it just because the guys trading :eek:

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Personaly I wouldn't worry about lining someones pocket - if the car in question is a good one and is at a price you think is fair you'd be cutting your nose off to spite your face by not buying it just because the guys trading :eek:


I guess you're right - I'd just rather buy the car from the source TCS uses. For some reason I never thought of looking to the trade when I bought my G60 and VR. I'd rather see an enthusiastic seller (preferably off a forum) who's looked after the car and knows a bit about its history. I suppose when it comes down to it you pay £x for a car of a given condition and it doesn't matter who is selling it though.

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My 2.0 16v has 187,000 miles on it and to be honest aside from some handling gremlins i've been working through, its running and driving great. Expect to be doing boring jobs on it replacing worn bits and pieces (rubber, plastic, corroded bits and pieces) and as others have said look out for a top end rebuild at the very least.. but i'm simply amazed at just how well it runs even on such astronomical mileage. I'm actually looking forward to 200,000 miles and beyond provided I can keep on top of the maintenance without it getting too uneconomical :)

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My 16v hit 239k just before i took it off the road to fit the 20vt. I'm sure the engine had been rebuilt at some point but chassis wise it was completely rust free and straight and only really part that was worn was the interior. I bought it on 220k miles and only did basic servicing right up to when i took it off the road. So don't let high mileage put you off if it looks clean.

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My 1.8 16v is just over 171,000 and happily does 500 miles per week and hasn't let me down yet. As has been said some bushes need replaced but engine wise all is well.

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cheers guys these thoughts have been really helpfull... and i see both ure points on buyying from a trader... i dont mind myself,it was more whether they had a bad rep for iffy cars...id rather buy from someone who is on this forum, but if its a decent car from trade thats where my moneys going.... thanks tho nice to see how long peoples corrados are going for! i cant wait to get my loan through!!! :D

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VR on 134k and no rattles or noise apart from the tensioner pulley which ahs shut the engine up somthing chronic!

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