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Riley's 225 quid Corrado valver - Sold.

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Get ya sen measured up Adz, or maybe measure up the lights rather than ya sen... :scratch: :lol: A 12"x16" will protect both headlights, unsure about the others...


Fitted a new drivers door handle after jigging the lock barrel so the original key fits...



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Hi, really love this thread, car is a million times better than when you got it, top work.


Was wondering what you used to clean up and paint the radiation brackets and fan cowling, I am starting on the engine bay and really want to sort the cowling and brackets.


Thanks in advance



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Sold on ebay for £960.50p to someone who is literally 5 mins drive away, so im gonna see it knocking about which will be strange...


G60 may be next to go.



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Ahhh, ive just fallen out with the car game Adz, its happened time and time again before, right back to the mk1/mk2 golf days, but this time ive totally lost interest.


The G60 is currently sat on 3x borbets and 1x 15" speedline with balloon tyre cos i cant even be ar$ed buying a new tyre and finding someone to fit it :?


ps:Im bloody sure i saw yours in Burnley today mate!?


  mrbeige said:
Did you end up making you're money back on it Neil?

Aye, i did indeed Stu...Got a smidgen more than it stands me at inc the wheels etc...It owes me some time back more than owt tbh :lol:

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Damn caps lock :bad-words: The p|llock is 'offering' me £900 quid!!! and won't collect the car otherwise!

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  Riley said:


Damn caps lock :bad-words: The p|llock is 'offering' me £900 quid!!! and won't collect the car otherwise!


He is under contract to pay u £960.


thats bad form. :censored:

He is under contract to pay you the agreed amount.

I'd go second chance offer to the next bidder if he is pi$$ing u about.

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Yeah thats pretty pants if you ask me, i'd report him to ebay and re list it due to time wasters.


What is it with some fools :bad-words:

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Idiots man :censored:


Ive given him the spiel about it being a legally binding contract, and that im owed what he has fr|gging well bid on it and won it for. But he fails to see that he is even breaking the rules!


And the thing is, although ebay make it sound serious etc "Legally binding contract etc" what do they ever actually do to protect sellers? Feck all in my experience. :bad-words: If i make a second chance offer they want to charge me another!!! final value selling fee.


Im about to report him anyway, but im still stuck with the corrado on my parents drive, which is why i gave the 7 day collection clause.



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My thoughts exactly mate... :lol:


P|ssed off man..Ive been minting it up ready for collection (just a going over really) and its sat there ready for a new owner.



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You wouldn't believe the hassle ive had with this fu*king idiot AND ebay :censored: This has been my worst experience ever on ebay! And im ready to delete my account but the only reason im keeping it is to watch what this bast/\rd is doing...I WILL get my revenge.


To cut a long story short...


Car sells to local guy at £960.50. I specified a collection of within 7 days.

After auction end i email to arrange payment/collection, and give him my phone number.

He emails me an 'offer' of £900.


So i email ebay to warn them in advance that my winning bidder is breaking the rules and potentially going to cause problems. I included/forwarded the email where he made the first offer.


I email him purposefully through ebay to explain that he won it at £960.50 and that his offer was breaking the rules.

He emails me back "No rules being broken, i have £900 here" WTF!!!??? :censored:


I reply (again through ebay) stating that "Im afraid i have to decline your 'offer' and i require payment in full, and that the time for collection was running out.


No reply from him, i email several more times...and the 7 days runs out.


I file a dispute (item not paid for)

Ebay refund my final value fee, but the guy comes with this absolute bullsh|t as a reply in the dispute...


I have already paid for this item. Payment details are as follows:

Payment type: Cash

Amount: £960.50

Payee: Neil

Payment date: 19-Apr-2009


Additional comments: Seller has been very unco-operative and have had loads of communication problems and prices have been

altered and car is not in same condition. This has been a tramautic experience for me and i have

sought further advice from my solictor.


WTF!?!? :censored:

So i reply to the dispute with:


Is this guy for real? You have NOT been to see the car, You OFFERED me £900 for it instead of the

final selling price, You HAVE NOT collected the

car in the time i specified (7 days), AND YOU DEFINATELY HAVE NOT PAID FOR IT!!! As for being

uncoperative, Ive emailed you several times declining your illegal offer. I have



And unbelievably!!!! Ebay then remove the unpaid item strike from his fecking account!!! :censored:


I email the bast/\rd asing him "Why are you blatantly lying?, YOU made offers and didn't buy the car in my specified timeI have forwarded your 'offers' to ebay"


He replied with "Dont worry i have told ebay about your emails" AGAIN, WTF?


Countless emails were sent to ebay with ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSE, Nothing! Explaining that is wasted my time emailing them in the first place including the illegal offer etc.

It gets worse...


HE!!! then files an 'item not received dispute'!!! :censored:


So i replied to the dispute with:

The buyer emailed me several offers of the same amount (£900) after the auction ended. I explained

to him (in emails i still have) that this is against ebay policy, i also emailed ebay themselves

explaining the situation of the illegal offer and non collection, non payment for the car and received

a reply from ebay on 19/4/09. The buyer has broken all possible rules and im still with the car which

hasn't been paid for, which i needed to sell to acquire the space.


He then replied with!!! Get this!!!

he has been abusive and the car was not as described, and sold the vehicle to another person, i am

gravely disapointed.


So i had now apparently sold the car elsewhere!!! :censored: Fecking lying b/\stard!!!


Again, countless emails to ebay explaining that i still have the car sat on the drive, now getting in the way all through an idiot who broke the rules, did NOT pay for the car or collect it in my specified time, received an item not paid strike as he rightly should have, and then had it removed! But yet you will not respond to me!!! I even told them i would relist the car to prove it...its a black and white issue!!!


Oh it gets worse...

he then made his feedback 'private', i could only leave positive anyway which is rediculous. But look at the feedback he left me!!! Absolute and blatant lies. http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=volksdevil&ftab=AllFeedback


I have since been onto ebays forum http://forums.ebay.co.uk/thread.jspa?threadID=1200291059 and phoned ebay directly.

The guy on the phone was your typical brain dead...I started explaining my story after having to repeat my username for a few months, and within my first sentance of "He made offers of £900 after the auction and i emailed you them" he said "But what is your problem sir"


I had to repeat myself before carrying on, "Has this guy broken YOUR rules or not!!!???

He finally said...Yes but please explain your problem!


So after taking a deep breath, and carrying on with my story...He said he would be able to remove the feedback if it is defamatory, which he didn't think it was! :censored: Not defamatory? blatant lies that make me look to be dishonest!? and would he remove this lying criminal of an ebay user? NO!!!


BEWARE OF http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/ruthless_infection/ AND BEWARE OF EBAY, USELESS B/\STARDS!!!

The original auction http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250400501465 and im still with the car and really can't be ar$ed now...


Not happy, its all made me feel physically ill for f*cks sake.

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what an utter :censored: :censored: :bad-words:


I'd be around on his doorstep if he lives so close to you!


But, how come you didn't just make a 2nd chance offer to the 2nd highest bidder for £950'ish? :(

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I did mate, but unfortunately he has put money into his mk2 gti project now. He was watching as he saw the build up on cgti too, so it could have gone to a good home... :( :bad-words:


Don't you worry, ive been VERY close to his house over the past couple days. Im building a website just for him too.

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Let it this sorry episode go and move on...


There are all sorts of nutters out there. :|

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Oh mate.... :clap: What the hell is GOOF! bay?! :lol: 8)


Thats a massive help mate, cheers!

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What a C*CK. Go round his house and slap the teeth out of his mouth. Its one thing for him not to buy the car after winning the auction but to then say that he's paid and not recieved the item lol.... gravely dissapointed my arse. :censored: :bad-words: :mad2:

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