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Beetle by Lego

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I love Lego - seriously tempted to get this for Noahs birthday - ok he'll need to wait 15 years to play with it but its awesome

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Apart from the doors, the Beetle looks like it's got some nasty skin disease....


Yeah, bonnet bricks don't have the same ability to create a smooth curve :shrug:

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Nah these are the Lego sets you want...


http://shop.lego.com/Product/?p=10179 . Three feet long!!



http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.as ... cn=57&d=70 . Lego Technic has come a long way since 1982!


I want both but the falcon is, ahem, rather pricey!


I'll settle for the truck for now.


Think they might be a bit beyond Noah to be honest, but nice items! Bit before my time the old Star Wars stuff and is that truck meant to be Optimus?

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Think they might be a bit beyond Noah to be honest, but nice items! Bit before my time the old Star Wars stuff and is that truck meant to be Optimus?


Think they're pretty easy to build...just time consuming. The falcon is a 16 hour minimum job apparantly....but thats after you've sorted all of the bits out - which takes another 16 hours. :lol:

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is that truck meant to be Optimus?


Apart from being completely the wrong colours and type of truck, you mean? :lol:


What kind of a child of the 80s are you anyway??

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I Have the Falcon...........Not Dared build it yet!


Lucky sod. It will have to be a Xmas present for me. If I'm VERY lucky!

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aah moan moan moan about building it :lol: Building it is more then half the fun! ;)


This is what you want, scale lego model of a Ferrari F1 car and also theres the mclaren i mentioned earlier.

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theres the mclaren i mentioned earlier.


Sorry, but what are these inferior "Mega Bloks" of which you speak? :lol:

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theres the mclaren i mentioned earlier.


Sorry, but what are these inferior "Mega Bloks" of which you speak? :lol:


The Mclaren is only small, not the same size as the ferrari.

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Nice one, my birthday in a couple of weeks, rather than buying it for Noah for his birthday on Friday I have been dropping hints that it could be bought for me :D

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My 6rd old has the Technic Bulldozer (superb) the Technic Tow truck (even better), the Technic Combine (not bad at all) and the Technic Skidoo/snowmobile.

Loves Lego which in my mind is a great thing.

He also loves the real stuff and has a Hpi Savage 25 and a 110cc quad :lol:

Get enm started young!,

Dont know where he gets it from mind!! :D

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My Birthday on the 8th, Look what my Darling G/Friend Bought Me.....




Mmmmmm Haven't bulit it yet!!!


Very nice

We're all big kids at heart arent we :clap:

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