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Keeping low on fuel for better performance ?

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i thought the fuel pump was cooled by the fuel, and so by running it with very little fuel it would tend to run hotter, leading to quicker failure?


The main pump actually sits inside a plastic "bucket" which is filled by a small lift pump (though they're both in the same assembly). The small pump is happy to cope with the fuel level outside dropping right down and running dry, that's what it's designed for, at least for short periods of time. The main pump therefore sits in about 1 litre of fuel at ALL TIMES, no matter what the fuel level in your tank. Running the car with low fuel does nothing but risk you running out somewhere embarrassing, on the whole ..


The VR pump is in a bucket.... the 16v is different.


Why does everyone forget the proper corrados???? ;)

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There was thread years ago on some other site about some lad who seriously thought it improved performance of his car, I will see if I can find it


Yeah, he actually thought that folding the seats flat reduced the weight of the car, and therefore improved cornering + acceleration etc :scratch: :roll:

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Scary that his username is P_D or Police Driver.......hmmmm surely not! Hilarious post. :cuckoo:

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The main pump actually sits inside a plastic "bucket" which is filled by a small lift pump (though they're both in the same assembly). The small pump is happy to cope with the fuel level outside dropping right down and running dry, that's what it's designed for, at least for short periods of time. The main pump therefore sits in about 1 litre of fuel at ALL TIMES, no matter what the fuel level in your tank. Running the car with low fuel does nothing but risk you running out somewhere embarrassing, on the whole ..


The VR pump is in a bucket.... the 16v is different.


Why does everyone forget the proper corrados???? ;)


I was talking about the proper 'Rado!! All the others were just to whet your appetite till the VR6 came out! ;)

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But you're wrong any way :lol:


There is only ONE pump in the VR6 :D


You sure there's not two inside the one assembly? That's what I heard.


Doesn't matter anyway - that's the reality of it - the pump sits inside a bucket of fuel.

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Vertical seats exert more downward force because the energy is focused on a smaller surface area. When horizontal, the weight is spread and so is less per Centimetre squared.

Hahaha that is quality... Oh by the way I've just invented a new diet, instead of *standing* on the scales, you *lie down* on them so your weight is spread over a greater surface area, thus making you weigh less and look *much* thinner! :lol:

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But you're wrong any way :lol:


There is only ONE pump in the VR6 :D


You sure there's not two inside the one assembly? That's what I heard.


Doesn't matter anyway - that's the reality of it - the pump sits inside a bucket of fuel.


Dead sure :wink:


I'm very intimate with my tank and it's inner workings :norty:

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Vertical seats exert more downward force because the energy is focused on a smaller surface area. When horizontal, the weight is spread and so is less per Centimetre squared.

Hahaha that is quality... Oh by the way I've just invented a new diet, instead of *standing* on the scales, you *lie down* on them so your weight is spread over a greater surface area, thus making you weigh less and look *much* thinner! :lol:


I think the bloke confused spreading your weight over a larger area and it reducing weight. What a numpty!

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I haven't checked the link.. but I believe he also always kept it clean for "maxium aerodynamic efficiency" or some bollocks.

At the end of the day.. it's a corsa... or astra.. or whatever.

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I haven't checked the link.. but I believe he also always kept it clean for "maxium aerodynamic efficiency" or some bollocks.

At the end of the day.. it's a corsa... or astra.. or whatever.

He did indeed :rofl: Awesome thread that.

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Have had this argument with the Mrs every time she fills her car up.


Surely it makes sense that the extra weight of a full tank will in turn mean the car has to work harder to carry the extra weight?


I know it probably makes a miniscule difference to the amount of petrol you use but in the long term.......

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Have had this argument with the Mrs every time she fills her car up.


Surely it makes sense that the extra weight of a full tank will in turn mean the car has to work harder to carry the extra weight?


I know it probably makes a miniscule difference to the amount of petrol you use but in the long term.......


I subscribe to this school of thought, but with the way petrol prices have been shooting up recently it may make more sense to fill it up before it goes up!

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