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Andy T

g60 airbox/induction kit

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My C has an induction kit (can't remember the make, didn't recognise it) consisting of a big red can with a silver 'dome' type end so the fitler element isn't visible.


I had to tie wrap it to the slam panel to stop it catching on the charger pulley(!) and there is some pointless silver foil stuff on the chassis leg underneath it. ?????


Which is better for the G60? Stock airbox or Induction kit?


Any recommendations? I'm Worried about how well the filter works, and the fact that it's sucking hot air from the engine bay.


Can those induction kit heat sheilds(eg jabba's) be bought seperately?


Should I go back to the Original airbox?




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*puts on flame proof suit*


I put a JR cone filter on my corrado just after Inters this year... It stayed on for 8 weeks before I changed it for a modified stock air box... :?


It made the car sound awesome, but I felt that is wasn't as torquey through the revs, especially later on in a longish drive when the engine had heated up... :?


Admittedly, I didn't have a heat shield with it, but I really don't think that a piece of 1.5mm thick ally/steel is going to make much of a difference when the engine's really hot, compared with the stock airbox modified to take advantage of the hole where the carbon cannister was... :wink: 8)


I now get (I say "get", I mean "had" before the engine expired! :roll: :lol: ) a lovely induction noise that's pretty much on a par with the JR filter and the knowledge that it looks pretty much standard and is a lot more heat resistive than the cone was... 8)


I have no rolling road figures for any of this, no proof as to feeling of torquey-ness, it's just my opinion and reactions to how the filter was on my car compared to my modified air box... :D


*runs off, still wearing flame proof suit!*

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Because most cone filters allow more air thru and because they allow more particles thru(hence more air) to the charger this can cause excessive wear on the apex seals as they cause a sand paper like effect. So it best to keep the standard box. I like the sound of what Henry has done you could also get a K&N panel filter but again this runs the risk of letting thru more fine particles(dirt) that could shorten the service interval or worst case the life of the charger as if the seals give up your lucky if the charge will be serviceable.


As Henry says its more important to get cold air thru and if its just the sound you are after drill some holes in it. There is instructions for the 16v on the Scottish Corrado club web site for the 16v(same principle)




You can get a heat sheild but the carbon canister is better


And IMO go back to the standard box

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The bigger the filter area, the less resistance it will offer to the air passing through it. Assuming the filter media is up to the job, the filter with the largest surface area will be the least restrictive. Conical filters work prefectly well if properly and regularly cleaned and oiled. They will make the charger noise more noticable because there is obviously nothing encasing it.


Take a look at my own intake in the members gallery. It uses a 3" intake and a huge JR cone filter.

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Ive got a Jabba sport induction kit- it's sound the nuts and throtte response is much better than when it had a drilled air box- the heat shild does work as it goes right up to the bonnet- it obviously doesnt stop all the hot air from coming in but it stops alot of it as when your on the go the air around the filter is is coulder as it is concentrated in one area. The filtering is very good on them despite what some people say as i have seen them being tested,however the foam filters arnt good at filtering and definatley wouldnt recommend one . Its also down to persoanl taste though as they are very noisy. ive seen people on the pavement wearing head phones turn arround as i drive past them :twisted: + my sheila freind can hear me coming from about half a mile away! :D

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Ah yip it all becomes clear Stay away from FOAM as the G charger can suck them in (not good) and go for the above. Could not figure out why I had the panel filter :oops:

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cheers guys,


I will take it apart and see if it's foam or paper/mesh type.


If its foam its going in the bin, well at least when i've found something to replace it !!

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