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Belgian GP - possible spoiler

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FIA have demoted Hamilton from 1st to 3rd for gaining an unfair advantage by cutting the corner on his first overtaking of Raikkonen - even though he gave him the place back.


I doubt that would have been the decision if Hamilton had got a prancing horse on his car.

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Yeah, it was pretty harsh.......it did look like he had got a bit of an advantage by cutting the corner, and he did the 'bare minimum' in actually allowing Kimi back through, but.....


A slap on the wrists and a 10k fine like Ferrari got last weekend would have sufficed I think.

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I'm surprised that the FIA didn't declare the last two laps null and void because of the rain so that Kimi could still be declared the winner.


Perhaps they should just be honest and give each Ferrari driver and the team a 20 point head start at the beginning of each season

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The suits have ruined one of the best races in years, way to go FIA.


I've got a mate who's a die hard Fezza fan and even he thinks the decision is wrong and the penalty grossly unfair.



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I'm seriously considering not watching any more GP due to this and last GP's Massa affair... In GP2 this weekend again, they even gave somebody a Drive-Thru for cutting in the pit-lane...

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Yes, I myself really, really wanted to see Raikkonen win today. I will always be an avid Ferrari supporter but those last few laps had me out of my chair. They were amazing. And when Kimi hit the wall you could see he was absolutely gutted even though he had a helmet on! I don't think they are being pro Ferrari, just anti Hamilton. They don't want to make the championship too easy for him or something. Massa must be secretly chuffed though....


It's a harsh punishment that I really don't think was deserved.

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Last few laps here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z23lx6MDiLI


Technically he followed the rules, but would he have got the run on him into the next corner that he did if he hadn't have took a shortcut. I am not sure how this penalty can stay enforced looking at the rules but how often have we seen a penalty overturned.


However, it does look like the powers that be will do anything to make the title chase very close for viewing figures but ultimately hand it to Ferrari, they've much bigger profits to share with bernie and Max :hitler: than mclaren have afterall :ignore:

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Yes, I myself really, really wanted to see Raikkonen win today. I will always be an avid Ferrari supporter but those last few laps had me out of my chair. They were amazing. And when Kimi hit the wall you could see he was absolutely gutted even though he had a helmet on! I don't think they are being pro Ferrari, just anti Hamilton.


+1. I've been a Ferrari fan since I was old enough to say 'red' and 'car' in the same sentence and really thought Raikkonen was going to hang on until the end - but 3 races in a row the Horse has faltered in the dying laps of a race, which has made the whole Championship liven up a bit.


Yes, Hamilton may have done the bare minimum in letting Kimi back through after the chicane c*ck up - but ultimately he had the better car and lady luck on his side when it came to reaching the flag. Despite that fact I'll get better points in the Fantasy League than if the original result stood, the demotion decision is unmitigated ar$e and robs the sport of any shreds of integrity it may have been clinging to. :shrug:

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On looking at the last few laps again I don't think Hamilton helped the situation. Whilst he did allow Raikkonen past again he did not reallty appear to back off allowing him the chance to re-take the position. If he had just left it for another corner or two I don't think there would have been a problem.


Still think it was a very harsh decision though

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On looking at the last few laps again I don't think Hamilton helped the situation. Whilst he did allow Raikkonen past again he did not reallty appear to back off allowing him the chance to re-take the position. If he had just left it for another corner or two I don't think there would have been a problem.


Still think it was a very harsh decision though



Quote last night from Mclaren Tech director.... "Lewis was proven at 6kmh slower than Kimmi on the line, and then passed BEHIND him at the first corner to take the lead"....


6kmh is a boat anchor in F-1 terms... equivalent to some of the closing speeds on the top straight.. Between Raddion and Kemmel...


Basically Kimmi got on the brakes way early for La Source (as you could see him doing over the whole curcuitall the previous lap) and Lewis "did" him, even taking a nerf in the rear for good measure (attacking the vunerable rear wing?). He then proved to be leauges ahead of both Kimmi and Massa over the closing lap.


Looking at the replays Kimmi does appear to try and drive Lewis off the road at the chicane and did he complain about that? No... :p


In Hindsight he shoul have popped in got a set of wets and done him "properly", but hindsight's a wonderful thing....


Personally I think its time for the "Suits" (esp :hitler: ) to be removed from F1, it's not a sport anymore...



Bring back the heydays of Hunt walking back through the tunnel at Monaco with his overalls down to reveal a t-shirt saying "I did your wife" to wind up his opposition! They were the days...

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On looking at the last few laps again I don't think Hamilton helped the situation. Whilst he did allow Raikkonen past again he did not reallty appear to back off allowing him the chance to re-take the position. If he had just left it for another corner or two I don't think there would have been a problem.


Still think it was a very harsh decision though

Nah - you're right and wasn't harsh even tho I hate Ferrari. Hamilton didn't back off enough, and it's that momentum he still had in order to regain position that made the FIA's decision. :nono:

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Yup that's what I thought too. He did let Kimi back through, but kept enough speed and a small enough gap so that he could re-take the position at the next corner.


Usually the drivers pull completely to the other side of the track and make it very obvious that they are letting a car through....wasn't really the case here.


Punishment is still harsh though.


Another very entertaining Belgian GP though, which idiot came up with the idea of cancelling it from the callender a few years back!

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Nah it was all fair! All part of the sport. The question is if roles were reversed and kimi gave the place back like Hamilton did, would he have got penalised? As someone already said, Hamilton gave the minimum amount of track back to Kimi, after all why should he put himself at a disadvantage, ok he shouldnt have an advantage but i dont think he should have had to put himself in a disadvantaged postion. For me at the end of the day, Kimi did force Hamilton out wide and imo they would have collided if hamilton didnt cut and he only gave back what he needed to.


The FIA is setting itself low bench marks for future discrepancies, the problem can only get worse.


A perfectly good race, the most exciting 2 laps of any GP i've watched recently and the stewards have ruined it. I hope the reverse the desicion but i cant see that happening.


Mclaren all the way!

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Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali was thrilled with the turn of events, however, and stated: "I have often said the race is not over until the official results are published and that was the case today."


Yeah that's right Stefano, what every race fan wants is to spend £100's going to Grand Prix to then have to wait 3 hours to know whatthe actual result. I mean watching the first person to cross the line win isn't what racing is about is it?



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Hamilton may not have "backed off" enough in their eyes, but the event leading upto the incident was one of necessity, he went off as he needed too!!!! he wasnt cheating! there is no advantage to driving on grass or the run off areas!!! surely the FIA realise that?


Also Kimi actually used one of the run off areas to try and sling shot hamilton on one of the last corners!!! then rammed the back of hamiltons car!!! how can that be fair? its not touring cars!!!


The fact is the FIA is run by that silly little man eclestone, he treats it like a giant scalextric and when he dont like something he steps in and fiffles it how he wants it, Ferrari are just gutted because with kimi crashing out (probably because he damaged his own front suspension when he rammed Hamilton!) they have to back Massa till the end of season.


Dont worry Lewis, they robbed you last year by punishing McClaren because of a poison team "mate" and now this year they are they are trying to push it to Ferrari again because of money and Big ron dont take their ****


You will just have to beat them in all the last races, wet or dry, kimi cheating or not, F1 has become less of an entertainment now, as to win a championship all you have to do is moan or take your opponents off the track or make allegations of spying!!


bring back the days of Prost punching people in the pit lane, thats what i say

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...which idiot came up with the idea of cancelling it from the callender a few years back!


that'll be 'the hobbit of F1' then (he's the shorter of the two blokes :lol: )



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The respected motorsport journalist Maurice Hamilton (no relation) was saying on Chequered Flag F1 last night that Formula One is in danger of reaching the levels of sporting credibility previously reserved for American Wrestling and I have to say I agree with him.


But don't take my word for it, many agree including ex-Ferrari Legend Niki Lauda (http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2008/se ... ishamilton), who has today described it as "the worst judgment in the history of formula one".


Of course MacLaren have appealed to the FIA World Council today, and one can only hope that this is overturned very quickly, and hopefully with sanction against these stewards. Note that the Stewards produced not a shred of telemetry, video evidence or even an argument to support the rationale behind thier decision. One can only hope that some common sense is brought to bear on this ridiculous situation, in which a 6kph speed differential between Raikonnen and Hamilton is magically interpreted as 'Hamilton gaining a speed advantage' by stewards, two of which represent minority countries who supported Max Moseley at his WMC hearing in June...


Until then, I hope that Lewis decides to wear a clown suit when he takes the helm at Monza. I mean, if it's going to be a pantomime you might as well go dressed for it.



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Speculating on the stewards decision.......


Hamilton took the outside line around the righthander at the Bus-Stop chicane then Kimi legitimately blocked his line when he tried to go through on the inside on the following lefthander onto the straight.


At that point Hamilton had more speed than Kimi, and was moving up on his lhs. So he had a choice of:


1) Not slowing and staying on track.

2) Slowing down and staying on track.

3) Cutting the corner and maintaining speed.


Which would have resulted in:


1) Hamilton ploughing into the side of Kimi.

2) Hamilton would have carried very little speed onto the start/finish straight, as he would have had to brake mid corner to avoid hitting Kimi whilst staying on track.

3) Well we all know what happened......


Potentially Hamilton would have been nowhere near Kimi on the straight as he would have carried fupp all speed into it after hitting the brakes mid corner. While Kimi would have taken the final corner at racing speed (as he did).


It was also quite obvious that he did the absolute bare minimum in actually letting Kimi back through, and even then continued to accelerate as he did so. Therefore allowing him into a very good overtaking position coming into La Source.

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Why shouldnt he be able to do the bear minimum? There's no rule saying you should back the position with eg 100 metres gap between you and the car in front.


Why wasnt Kimi penalised for taking an extreme line around Pouhon?


Again fantastic racing by both Lewis and Kimi, spoilt by an crazy decision.

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