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Has my Head Gasket Gone?

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I was checking the water level in my expansion tank yesterday and noticed the yellow mayo stuff on the inside of the cap. Does this mean my head gasket is on the way out (or gone)? I have checked the oil filler cap and that looks fine, and so does the dipstick. There is no excessive white or blue clouds coming from the exhaust either.


The rad top hose blew a few weeks ago which caused the oil temp to rise to 120 deg and the water temp to about 110 for a small time. Could that be what tipped the HG over the edge? Is there any other reason for sludge inside the coolant?




2.0 16V

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the oil filter is attatched to it


Yup thats your oil cooler ok..... dead easy and cheap to sort as well !

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What could be on it's way out with the oil cooler - is there some sort of gasket or seal that is replacable, or does the whole thing have to be replaced? :( This sounds like an expensive part to replace! :mad:




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the oil cooler only costs £34 from gs&f


:shock: I was expecting big bucks! This certainly sounds cheaper to replace than the HG :lol: I'll think I will give it a try and see if it solves the problem.


Thanks for the help :thumb right:



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Mark, yes it'll be the cooler from what you are experiencing. They do fail internally and develop pin hole leaks into the water jacket. Since the oil pressure is higher than the water you just get some oil released into the cooling & not vice versa

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Okay I've got the new oil cooler from the stealers - £42 (not too bad really for genuine VAG), but I notice it doesn't come with the oil temp sender block attached. :? How do I separate the 2 parts so I can use my old sender block? The new one doesn't look like it has any mounting holes on it :? Can I remove the oil cooler from the sender block without taking the whole thing off the engine?


Any advice would be greatfully received!! :p




2.0 16V

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Can't you just replace the seals? Sure I've heard of someone doing that before...



i had my oil cooler seals replaced but i only had an external oil leak.......mark16v's one appears to have corroded on the inside(which is quite common seemingly)so just fitting new seals won't make any differance


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