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Killed my car going through water.. help! ** FIXED **

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Fingers well and truly crossed for you Jim, hope it turns out to be just that! :?

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Ok mate - will wait till the weekend to try that I think with Eric's help.


I hope if anything it's the fuel pump that's boned rather than water having got into the fuel system - I'm assuming the car's pretty fubar if that's the case?


not nece-cellery,

my old mk1 gti (K-jet too) got water in the tank from a rusty filler neck, once the water was out it ran fine, even though water was in the system for ages, at least you know it was done recently, probably no damage, but if water sat in the metering head for months then corrosion would eventually do for it.

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That's potentially good news then.. lets wait and see then.


Thanks very much for your advice David.. you're a legend!

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i did exactly the same thing in my 2.0 8v went through a rather large puddle was fine for 10secs then started to loose all power

and kept stalling after aout 10 attempts it coughed and splattered and after a good thrashing it cleared but kept choking now and then but after a day or two was fine!

maybe if you can get it to sit a 2000 revs n jst leave it goin 4 as long as u can might be enough to clear the bit of water out in the system if that is what it is? no doubt youve already tried that!

anyway best of luck to you : :salute:

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Jim, just realised reading your C-GTI thread, the Corrado inspection cover for the tank is in the boot, not under the rear seat, I was still thinking about doing the job on my mk1 when I wrote that :lol: , anyway wherever it is, look for the round black hatch 15cm or so across with 3 or 4 phillips screws holding it down :)

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I've gone and bought a fuel additive from Halfords designed to emilinate water in petrol.. if we spot any in there, I'm going to stick a dose of it in to see if helps.

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or a turkey baster with a length of tube on the end to suck it out :)

it sits in nice little globules at the bottom of the tank, quite easy to spot.

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how on earth does that work?, dilutes the water? joker:


No idea mate! :) It's Wynns Dry Fuel - just says on the back that it absorbs water from the fuel tank (and lists various other benefits) but I've heard of Eric and another Scirocco owning mate talking about such additives.. so gotta be worth a shot. Will also try and fill the tank up a bit to help dilute it further!

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my car had wood treatment in it for a day (someone left it in a green jerry can and it went in :oops: ) once it was drained it was fine!!!

sounds like leads/dizzy to me any one you can swap with to try?

good luck

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The el-cheapo, yet effective stuff to absorb water from fuel tank is ¨Brennspiritus¨, which is German for methylated spirit. We discussed this on way down to 2cc last weekend :D


Hope the Halfords stuff wasn´t too expensive.



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Trade discount helped :)


Daniel reckons the stuff you were referring to Eric was isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol... :)

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Delighted to say that the Corrado is happy again.


Put the Dry Fuel additive into the tank last night to combat any water in there, and Tempest came over this afternoon to try some fault diagnosis. He pulled the lambda probe connector and associated wiring from the metering head and lo and behold it started and ran and idled - it was as lumpy as hell but it was running. After the car had got up to temp it seemed to be running a lot better and was actually freely revving.. but still a bit lumpy. We reconnected the plugs and it seemed ok... so braved taking it out for a run and it just got better and better on the drive. Filled up with some Ultimate to well and truely dilute what water was left in the tank and by the time I was back home, it was running perfectly.


I've never felt more like hugging my car than when I realised it was going to be ok. I'm thrilled. Thanks so much for taking some time to come and help today Eric and thanks to those folks who offered so much advice on what to check - it has to have been water in the tank in the end!


Woohoo :)

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Lots of people suggested it must have come in through the breather pipe for the fuel tank.. I don't have any other explanations tbh as it's the only logical answer to the whole thing!

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Well done Jim! Your car doesn't really like water-based fluids much at the moment huh? I know that feeling, one of my hoses has turned bulimic again :brickwall:


Glad you got it all sorted though, top work :grin:

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glad that seems OK now Jim, I hadn't thought of that but when my dad suggested it I thought Ah! - that does sound very similar to my mk1 when it got water in the tank.


I know it's easy to say after the event, but one thing I learnt from working on my mk1 was to keep clear of water!

In particular, those cars had the air pickup for the airbox really low down and every 'splitter air scoop' mod I see just makes me think of disaster-waiting-to-happen, at least you didn't do that and snap a con rod!

Most car parts are protected from spray fairly well, but not from being submersed in water.


The only other thing is that if water got in, dirt probably did too, If I were you I'd consider replacing the fuel filter.

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Bet you're well relieved?!


You have no idea how relieved. I wanted to HUG my car.

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Yeah. Nice one. Quite understand the wanting to hug it. :luvlove:

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Bet you're well relieved?!


You have no idea how relieved. I wanted to HUG my car.


Hug it even more than normal? You should be a poster boy :lol:

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