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Save or break?

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wel what do you think guys, do isave this or break it?


power steerin isnt working, has no fluid at the moment but leaks slowly.


clutch on its way out, spoiler switch when used blows the fuse. one headlight doesnt work, couple of rust spots but nothing too bad..


What do you reckon?






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There's nothing terminal on the list. I would save if I were you. There are enough VW specialists in the area who can fix it without breaking the bank.

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Save it.. too many are being broken IMHO :(


However it does mean more spares and one less on the road i.e. making the remaining ones rarer. In this climate you cant afford to get sentimental i say.


Saying that there doesnt seem that much to fix if you have the time. If it was a wrecked engine then I would.

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if you break it, what are you going to sell ? and how long are you going to spend with it in bits until you've made your money? i would have thought it would be easier to sell it as a whole and let someone else deal with it, but if you have the time/space and there are enough bits on there to make money off of then break it. i'd go round see what bits are good and sale-able and use the other 'breaking' threads as a refernce for prices and factor in your time and space to see if its really worth the extra effort.


Thats my opinion anyway :salute:

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im not gona take it to a garage to get it fixed, ill do it all myself with the helping hands of my dad.


i should have a garage to keep it in so fixing/breaking it wont be a problem.


think the best thing to do is bung it through an mot and see what happens..


other question is, will a 2.0 16v steering rack fit a 1.8 16v?

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Save it.. too many are being broken IMHO :(


I'll second that... how many have been advertised as breaking on here in the last 6mths? Seems like hundreds :confused4:

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Save it.. too many are being broken IMHO :(


I'll second that... how many have been advertised as breaking on here in the last 6mths? Seems like hundreds :confused4:


Exactly. It does concern me just how many are broken these days rather than getting repaired, and usually when there is nothing wrong with them. It's good obviously because it keeps us in spares, and it'll help the values once they're all gone and cars only remain in the hands of the collectors - but it's just scary how quickly it seems to be happening!

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I think alot are getting broken due to the price of repairs vs the value of the car, sometimes breaking it is more profitable than repairing, especially when it'll more than likely break again the following week :lol:

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Save it. And buy all the bits you need to fix it from the 1.8 16V I'm breaking :)


i doubht ill need to buy anything as i have another early valver :D


i geuss im greedy when it come's to corrado's (2x 1.8 16v's & a 2.0 16v) :clap:


but if i discover i do need nething then ill give you a shout. think im gona want some sebrings though, the bordeaux is gona go back to standard..

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