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Hi all,


Need a little reassurance or advice.


I took my VR off the road last Oct to allow me to get my finances in order. It wont be back on the road until next sept/oct. Now i dont like to leave it just standing there, especially as i had a reconditioned engine fitted Jan 08 which has only covered around no more then 8k, so i do like to fire it up and let it get up to temperature... ok not every time i start it but 8/10 times. When i took the car off the road the car was running spot on. However i noticed today that there was 'Mayo' under the oil cap and also just inside the oil filler hole. Coolant is level is fine and still pink and car gets up to temperature nicely when idling. I've read on the net that if its being stood for a while or car is only used for short journeys, that this is normal and 'mayo' should disappear after a good run. I did start the engine and let it get upto temperature, but the 'mayo' remained.


Is what i've read correct and the 'mayo' will disappear or is this a sign the HG is going. I really cant see it being HG (and i really hope its not the case) as there are no other symptoms of HG failure, but i dont have much experience of any of this hence the need for reassurance/advice. Just dont know if 'Mayo' can form any other way.


Thanks in advance.



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Moisture builds up in the engine and does have the effect of creating an oil-water emulsion on the inside of the filler cap. If you take the car up to temperature for a reasonable period of time, i.e. drive it a decent distance all the moisture will get a chance to evaporate from the engine.

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Yeah I would think its OK, 'mayo' (or actually emulsified oil!) forms from condensation in the engine. Letting it get up to temperature on the gauge is actually probably doing it less good than just not starting at all in my opinion. If you're going to start it then you're far better off starting it and taking it for a good half hour drive in order to get everything properly warmed up (including the gearbox), if at all possible. I appreciate sometimes if a car is laid up then you can't do that.


This is all in my opinion, I've just never liked the old 'start it and run it every now and then' approach.


However in answer to your question I wouldn't worry, its just that the engine never gets properly warm, despite the gauge saying so. I bet if you warm it up that way the coolant temperature gauge might be reading 90ish degrees but the oil temperature on the MFA maybe won't be more than about 75/80 degrees....


Hope that helps a bit.



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yeah, i had it after not driving mine for 2 months, it would go if you went out and gave it a good thrashing :D

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Moisture builds up in the engine and does have the effect of creating an oil-water emulsion on the inside of the filler cap. If you take the car up to temperature for a reasonable period of time, i.e. drive it a decent distance all the moisture will get a chance to evaporate from the engine.


BLIMEY! Fast reply Tom :clap:


Cheers mate, was hoping it was just condensation. But i didnt know Mayo could appear from a car being sat, i thought MAYO automatically = HG Failure :(


Good to hear that! :D I can smile again now :lol:


EDIT - heh was too busy watching the footie whilst typing that out. So thanks to purple tom and dukest for the fast replies also. :D


So more advise required then.... if the car isnt going to be used for a while, is it best to not bother starting it at all or is it best to start it every now and then? I appreciate that was purely your opinion Purple Tom, but its got me thinking :D

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I thought MAYO automatically = HG Failure :(


Nah, builds up quite easily... People panic too much about stuff like that. Keep driving it till it breaks properly... :tongue:

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