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vr6 thermostat question

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Hi all - sorry for my first post being a question! Been lurking for a year or so if that makes any difference...


Went to replace my thermostat today, and check for cracks in the housing.


All went smoothly, bar two things.


1) The gasket between the block and the housing is screwed up and beyond redemption. Is there anywhere I can get one before Monday?!

2) What is this lead from? Spotted it and didn't pull it out (well, not on purpose):




(click for large pics)


Many thanks in advance!


PS Will report back whether new thermostat makes water temp at cruise circa 90degC, instead of 65...

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Temperatures are now perfect - old thermostat must have been stuck open as I expected.

That wire is apparently no-connection at either end, so will ignore it (although it annoys me just hanging here...)


However... I have abviously knocked something somewhere, as the car is reluctant to rev and has no power. For example flat out in 5th maxs out at about 85mph. Will get it on a diagnostic this afternoon and fingers crossed it's something obvious. Would a bust CPS/knock sensor wire take that much power off?!

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that lead often comes up in threads - i belive it is some external diagnostic lead VW put there. Not used and nothing to worry about. Just tape it up.

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Thanks - I shall overcome my OCD and ignore it...


Found the problem with the power loss - a clip holding the throttle cable was absent, meaning a fully depressed accelerator pedal resulted in about 25% throttle opening! Glad a simple fix has brought the car back to life - it feels healthier than it's ever been...

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just a quick one - i've replaced teh thermostat in my VR about 8000 miles back (with a VW one). Looks like its stuck open again and i dont really feel like taking it all apart to replace. Will hopoefully be flushing the system (with vinegar, i hasten to add!) this weekend so hopefully that will free off the stat. Failing that, what other alternatives are there? TIA

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Sure its not just the weather temperature change. My daily suddenly stopped warming up as quickly on Monday because the air temps dropped from 16'C to 6'C.


Not tried the Corrado yet as the thermostat housing is off to change out a lazy thermostat (running tad hot). Hot water in Pan test has confirmed. Interestingly, another 8 year old spare thermostat I have wasn't working properly so the VW wax stats are not good and may age???


Took my Thermostat Housing off in an hour. The tools made it easy, 1/4" socket ratchet socket drive, 5mm allan key insert, short ratchet extension and a hose pipe clip tool that looks like VW's official tool (see below). The latter makes the clip removal a five minute job. Hoses off by applying a little squirt of window silicon lubricant under the hose so it frees off the plastic pipe/rubber hose connection.



Bought mine for £15 at GTI Inters a while back. For the jobs its done, well worth the cost paid. Got it off one of those stalls that sells all sorts of tools you see at a lot of shows.


They are available on EBAY, search "Hose Clip Tool". Use to be £15 on there but I see today thats more like £25 - £30. Still worth it as a tool for access to clips like the position of the middle hoses green clip. The carrier at the end of the bowden cable just slides on the clip and squeeze, then move the clip. There is a holding rachet mechanism.



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you could be right, although i took it for a 6-7 mile town drive and the water temp barely got up to 70 on the gauge and oil max at around 84.

An aside - the window silicon lube you mention: where is this available? seems like a useful product to have in the toolbox!

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You have to take into account the overnight temperatures are lower as well. So the block is not as warm. Surprising what a difference it makes. Overnight was 3'C last night where as last week it was 16'C.


Daily has taken almost twice as long today to get to fully warm compared with last week. Oil last week usually was 89'C in the 1.4, today it could only make 85'C.


I don't know if its still available as its vintage is c1980's aerosol tin of Holts - Rubber & Nylon Lubricant.


ETA: Just checked. Yes it is : http://www.wilcodirect.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1208



Edited by RW1

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