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VR6 oil pressure issue

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I need to know what pressure my VR should be producing at set revs. I've heard so many different pressures I don't have a clue whats right!

The reason I ask is because my brand new Mocal did this:

http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/ ... C00941.jpg


Sent it back and mocal said my engine is over pressure, but they also claim the cooler is tested to 110psi and rated to 150psi and it will require considerably more that this to deform the aluminium. I dont have any oil leaks (which I would expect if my oil pressure is over 150psi!) I have replaced the oil pump but my cheap gauge is still reading over 100psi (which is all the scale goes upto). I have access to a sykes picivant (sp?) garage gauge, but need to know what I should expect.

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Your relief valve may be jammed shut, causing massive oil pressure. Which is not what you want. If your guage is going over 100psi, and you bummed the mocal, then I think you have a pressure issue....

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Thats what i'm thinking, but what the chances or having a stuck relief vavle on a new oil pump aswell?!!

Also I took the old pump apart and the valve moves with relative ease, doesn't let much air through though if I blow through it.

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Could be somethign more serious if you've had that issue before. Head gasket failed to oil gallery? Dunno really...

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Yea, sorry. The cooler burst before I changed the pump, hense the new pump. Don't think its head gaskit as there no oil/water mix and it doesnt use water. Surely that would make it low oil pressure aswell?

Thinking mabey a blockage in an oilway?

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I'm open to any suggestions! Don't realy know how to cure it short of changing the engine, which seams a little extreme!

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Anyone got any ideas? I'm rapidly loosing interest in this car! Don't wan't to break it, but its looking more likely every day!

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Anyone got any ideas? I'm rapidly loosing interest in this car! Don't wan't to break it, but its looking more likely every day!



i will have my old charger mate :D

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To be honest I have been thinking of going turbo or rotrex for more power, but I have this problem to fix before I do. I'll let you know if I do get rid.

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