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steering making a fair old noise help needed

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right guys in need of help. i was on my way home there just now and i went over some part of another car lieing on the road. it smashed off the bottom of mine and now when i turn corners it mates a clattering noise. just like a bearing has gone. well i just jacked the front up and turned the wheel to the right and it make the same noise like i desribed. i can also hear steering fluid skooshing about when i turn it fast and hard by hand. but sounds like it has bubbles in it. if that makes sense to uz.

what could i have damaged??? :(

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How big was this part? Did you fook the C by driving over an engine? lol, sorry.


Ok, doubt its the bearing, as its encased. I'd suspect a weak item, like a brake hose - see any fluid on your drive yet?

If you're really unlucky, theres a tiny chance its nobbled teh rubber boot to the ball joint, but theres so much grease in there, it wont have driven out yet, surely.


No leaking fluids? You said sloshing sound when turning whe wheel, you're bound to get a dull slurpy sound when turning the wheel, as the moving parts are well greased.


So theres no metallic sound, as if there was something stuck up in the arhc or something?


Bothered about the drive? Drive slowly, doing a full slow turn, on full lock and feel for clunking; thats drive shaft, for which if it is a problem, its bound to be an old one.


Worth taking the wheel off , if you're bothered?

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How big was this part? Did you fook the C by driving over an engine? lol, sorry.


Ok, doubt its the bearing, as its encased. I'd suspect a weak item, like a brake hose - see any fluid on your drive yet?

If you're really unlucky, theres a tiny chance its nobbled teh rubber boot to the ball joint, but theres so much grease in there, it wont have driven out yet, surely.


No leaking fluids? You said sloshing sound when turning whe wheel, you're bound to get a dull slurpy sound when turning the wheel, as the moving parts are well greased.


So theres no metallic sound, as if there was something stuck up in the arhc or something?


Bothered about the drive? Drive slowly, doing a full slow turn, on full lock and feel for clunking; thats drive shaft, for which if it is a problem, its bound to be an old one.


Worth taking the wheel off , if you're bothered?


thanks for the info. i took the wheel off and i cant see nothing. its kinda stopped now but it did make the noise once today when i went full lock round a corner slowly. so will have another look. 8)

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