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(needed again) Anyone got contact details for user "dukest"?

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Hi all,


Sorry to clutter up the forum with one of these, but where needs must...


Does anyone have contact details for the user "dukest" on here? Can you pass them on or contact him on my behalf?


Thanks in advance,



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He's away in America at the moment which may be why he's not answering.



If its desperately urgent I can text him, though I can't see what he can do till he gets back.

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I have PMed him on here several times, he is logging in to read them (they're disappearing from my outbox) but not replying.


Any idea how long he was due to be away for?


Many thanks for the info,



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I have PMed him on here several times, he is logging in to read them (they're disappearing from my outbox) but not replying.


Any idea how long he was due to be away for?


Many thanks for the info,




Olly, I think its till the end of the week, but don't quote me on that one!


I will stick up for him tho and say he is a decent chap, I'm sure whatever issue you have will be resolved when he gets back.

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hi Olly, sorry for the delay, I am away but will PM you now..



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Sorry to raise this again,


Could someone with his contact details poke John again for me please? Once again he's stopped replying to PMs...





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As an outside observer can I say that I think it's pretty poor form to keep making open posts cajoling people to get a particular person to contact you. Surely a quiet PM to someone who's already helped you would be a more subtle.


If you failed to get contact details the last time around for someone you seem to need to speak to so frequently and urgently, then who's fault is that?

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Is there a reason he doesn't want to get in touch with you?


Everyone else has to make do with the PM/email/postal/telephone systems without resorting to starting threads on here ....

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How the hell do you find out you can do that?! :lol:

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Sure, it's poor form... but then it's also poor form to to ignore PMs (after reading them, mind...) from someone to whom you owe a reply.


Nobody wins on the internet.



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This is all a bit cryptic, and not really fair as no-one has an idea whats going on, so people will start to make assumptions.


Funkster (and dukest!), I'm going to lock this thread, if you have any problems regarding anything that's happened on the forum then feel free to PM me and/or any other Mod on here and we'll do our best to assist you :)

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