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Admiral & Kwik Fit insurance keep calling.. - Time for Arnie

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In the last 2 weeks I've kept getting 0800 numbers calling me on my mobile and home phone.

I dont bother answering and the calls keep coming. I'm talking *several* times a day! It's infuriating...


Anyway, had enough, so dug out an old Arnie sound board and decided to prank the b*stards..


Listen here: http://www.random-task.net/pranks/admiral.html :lol:

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Do you think that if you answered the phone and told them to stop calling you, they just might? :D

Bet your insurance is due and they're trying to get you to sign up.

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They are trying to sell me extra crap for my policy. If I wanted that, I'd have bought it initially!


I'm not a fan of unsolicited calls :bad-words:

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1) If a company you don't have a policy with keeps calling, you can demand them to stop calling, and remove you from thier database.


2) You can also register with the telephone preference service (look it up online) which all companies doing phone-outs have to remove registered numbers from thier call lists


3) If you are getting large numbers of unwarranted calls from a company you do business with, you can still demand that they stop making sales aclls to you. If they continue, you can complain to the management of the company who's doing it, but also mention that you will complain to the industry watchdog (in the case of car insurers, this is the Association of British Insurers). You can also complain to the Insurance Ombudsman, although I suspect a conversation along the lines of "if you don't stop harassing me with phone calls I'm going to get a solicitor involved and certainly won't be renewing - you decide - right now" will prove to be pretty effective.


Hope this helps.

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1) If a company you don't have a policy with keeps calling, you can demand them to stop calling, and remove you from thier database.


2) You can also register with the telephone preference service (look it up online) which all companies doing phone-outs have to remove registered numbers from thier call lists


3) If you are getting large numbers of unwarranted calls from a company you do business with, you can still demand that they stop making sales aclls to you. If they continue, you can complain to the management of the company who's doing it, but also mention that you will complain to the industry watchdog (in the case of car insurers, this is the Association of British Insurers). You can also complain to the Insurance Ombudsman, although I suspect a conversation along the lines of "if you don't stop harassing me with phone calls I'm going to get a solicitor involved and certainly won't be renewing - you decide - right now" will prove to be pretty effective.


Hope this helps.


Nice, I usually answer those sort of calls with 'how did you get this number?' they either hang up straight away or apologise and hang up. You can get them fined if you are registered with TPS for around £1500 a call, all you need to do is let TPS now who has phoned and when - that really stops them calling :)

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Haha nice one, too bad the penny dropped eventually! This way of dealing with them is much more fun than anything else :clap:


This soundboard got me into to all sorts of trouble when I was young, some great quotes on there!

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It occurred to me today that whilst the advice I offered earlier is completely valid, that dropping straight into Borat mode and asking the caller how much it would cost for some sexytime would also work quite well. "Milky, milky..." so to speak...

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