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think the supercharger has gone

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Hi all


tonight on my way home felt a loss in power for 5 secs then all came back to life, Then when i got home the charger was clunking :(


has it blown something and do i start looking for a new one??


cheers for your help



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oh no, gutted for ya..


cant help, apart from my mate reckons you can run them until you loose boost, then get them serviced?? so cant you just get it serviced/reconditioned??

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thats a shitter

previous owner on mine had there's blow

invoice from jabba states that had a reconditioned unit supplied.....£1000 :shock:

yours might be something simple though

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oh no, gutted for ya..


cant help, apart from my mate reckons you can run them until you loose boost, then get them serviced??



Not really the best advice :confused4:

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I've had the loss of power before but not the clunking noise. It turned out to be a dodgy seal on one of the intercooler pipes, that under full boost would break the seal and feel like the charger had died. As soon as the boost had gone for a few seconds it would reseal itseal and feel ok again.

It took :censored: ages to trace this but was only because of a small amount of oil seepage from one of the pipe joins.


Good luck

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cant help, apart from my mate reckons you can run them until you loose boost, then get them serviced??


Tell your mate he's wrong. Think about it - it's a mechanical, belt driven supercharger. If something slips inside, or something makes the scrolls go out of sync and you keep trying to drive it, you're quickly going to exasperate the problem.


Anyway.. sounds like you may have caught it in the nick of time! Nice one :) Hope the rebuild isn't too pricey :)

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Or the belt just snaps due to age etc, with G-Laders its really a case of prevention rather than cure! Get it serviced every 30-40k miles for peace of mind IMO

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Or the belt just snaps due to age etc, with G-Laders its really a case of prevention rather than cure! Get it serviced every 30-40k miles for peace of mind IMO


With an £800 price tag for a new one, plus potential catostrophic damage to the engine if parts are sucked through, it really is important to look after the G-Lader rather than rely on a mate of a mate of a uncle's cousin's wife's sister's dog who's probably never seen a G60 before....

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You'd be lucky to get a new charger for £800 Toad - they were £1200 5 years ago so probably more like 2k now, plus the last ones were made in 95 so I think I'd actually get a new one opened and rebuilt with new apex strips and a wider belt before running it...


The other thing about having a charger actually blow is you then need to clean everything in the intake / boost system thoroughly and maybe replace the Intercooler.


It's like a headgasket - best to change it before it actually goes or you're looking at twice the amount of work.

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So what was it? :shrug:


Gota love Darren's service!


Edit: Think about swapping the cone fro a stock filter & box, will give a lot more life to the Charger too! :wave:

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