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Loosing oil some were???

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Every week I have to keep topping up the oil. I would top it up to just below the max line then a week later it will just be on the minimum mark.


Cant work out were it is going, no visibal oil leeks of any kind :confused4:


Cant seam to work it out ay suggestions?

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I havent but a friend who was behind me once said there was a little bit of smoke when I pulled off ( not hard ) just after starting the car

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Quantum synta was put in it when I had it survised by DG about a month ago, but been using castrol magnatec to top it up.


Was loosing oil befor I went to DG too but seams to be slightly more recently


The oil on the dip stick is clear like new oil but with the usal black oil with it ( if that makes sense)

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Braought so oil additive earlywe. Supposes to recondition the seals to stop oil burning, will see if it helps.


Got the misses to rev the engine a bit whilst I look at the exhuast earlyer, nothing wrong at all, no smoke, dodgy smell or aything


O well will wait and see

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engines do use oil, if its not causing any major problems except needing topping up i wouldn't be too concerned.


i'm always weary of stuff in bottles

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I'm not realy too worryed I do do about 300 miles at most in a week. But the car is my baby so dont want anything going wrong :grin:

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[strike:2m8r0c2u]how many miles are you doing a week?[/strike:2m8r0c2u], old valver heads do tend to suck oil down the inlet valve guides and can burn anything up to a Litre every 1000 miles or so and still be perfectly healthy.

If you're burning a litre every 500 or less then that's a little on the high side, but as long as the emissions are OK I wouldn't worry too much, not really worth stripping the head down until it's blowing clouds of blue smoke out the back :)

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