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Anyone got a pic on how the inner bushings on the swaybar

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Anyone got any pics of the subframe with the swaybar installed?, maybe a closeup of how the rubber bushings sits when installed?

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Also any tips on what the best way to put those rubber bushings on ? (the whole subframe is out from the car).....do they have to come in from the siden or what?

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Got them in, but wasn't able to get the ubar thingy thightened up, but I guess they will come with some persuasivenes....:) (or however you spell that...;) )

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Still would like a picture though as I'm starting to wonder if the wishbones are on the correct side (is the place you connect the sway bar supposed to point up or down?.


For me it seems like it should turn down? (so that the locking plate for the end-joint of the wishbone can rest properly on top of the wishbone).



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