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petrol pipes checking

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just a quickee


we all get told to regular check the petrol pipes due to rubber cracks on old car but id though id mention this one :clap:



the little pipe at the end of the fuel rail cracked and started leaking on mine and boy did i miss it to the fact i kept smelling petrol for a while but even time i checked the petrol pipes on the inner wing all ok and the ones to the pressure reg and return all ok


look like this pipe at the other end (battery side) feeds a pressure sensor thats all it does started leaking on me to fact i only spotted it after the exhuast got hot and was vapourizesing the petrol dropping on to it and causing vapour :censored:


never seen a guy turn off the igniton so quickly


stealers wanted £10.80 and 3 day delivery local car supply place charged 50p and i fixed it in 2 mins


just one to watch out for guys :salute:




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G60 and no pics did have time to fetch the camera was too interested in getting a bucket of water



its easy to spot right side of fuel rail looping up to pressure senors on top of it



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Yep - common point of failure on a G60 and cab be potentially very dangerous so anyone who smells fuel should check this immediatly... All 3 pipes should have been changed at least once by now!


I'd also keep an eye on it if you used standard fuel hose as the cheap stuff does not seem to last all that long as the G60 engine bays get so hot..

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the stuff i used was one and half times as thick but with the same inner bore cus i didnt want it to happen again i might even silver tape it cus it is right above the exhuast mainfold although that might hide a leak in the future




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for the price of aftermarket hose , just change it often whenever you have the spanners out /big service time etc


i try to inspect mine for leaks fairly often...check it from a cold start as a hot engine dries out the leak and you might not see it

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