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not shure how to ask, mabe fueling question. accumulator?

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ok not shure how to ask but when i took the c to the mechanic a while back he noticed somthing that was part of the origianal 16v fueling systrm near the fuel pump or part of it i dont know and sead to me - oo you shouldn't have that on there that will realy restrict you with a 20v installed, problem is i dont know what it was - any ideas?

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you'll be wanting to bin the accumulator... it's a royal PITA, and seriously expensive should you ever want to replace it... It's only needed for K-Jetronic systems, so with a 20VT, you can happily rip it out and connect the pipe to the engine directly to the pump (via an high pressure rated filter of course!!!)

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yeh agreed as above, that's the accumulator and only needed on mechanical fuel injection to maintain fuel pressure when fuel pump is off


presume you'll get better fuel pressure to your rail with that removed

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yup, that's the little buggah...


You won't get better fuel pressure to the fuel rail, but it will be more instantaneous pressure from cold as the pump won't have to prime up the accumulator before the pressure gets to the rail... 8)

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thanks for the info guys, poped down to dubmeister and he suprysed me by sayiing that it should be on there? now im all confused :shrug: :shrug:

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