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what causes 1.8 16v power loss

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It feels like i have recently lost abit of power from my 1.8 16v. It had a full service approx 2 months ago and was sweet after that, but recently it feels very sluggish. It dosnt hesertate or anything like that when i pull off but it's definatly not nearly as quick as it was a couple of months ago. What can cause this loss of power :help:



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Stupid one potentially.. but have you checked to make sure a brake caliper isn't binding on? Drive it for a few miles and go round feeling the wheels to see if one is warm..


I had this happen on mine a few years back when the weather turned cold. Drove to work one day and couldn't work out why it was making the right noises but feeling about 40BHP down on power.. found out one of my calipers was stuck on a little. Got it removed and cleaned up and was back to normal!


Otherwise it could be a bad tank of fuel or something which is causing it?

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bit of a vague description so it could be any number of things, what are the plugs like?

You can check a lot of stuff yourself, like is the air filter clean, not caked in oil, does the air metering plate/plunger move smoothly are all the ignition components in good nick and within tolerance, when was the fuel filter last changed, Does the throttle move correctly with the pedal? - do you get full throttle when the pedal is to the floor?

Once you can eliminate a lot of this stuff then you can start thinking about collapsed baffles in the exhaust, compression checks and fuel system checks like pressure and injector spray pattern.

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