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Flippin Vandals :( pics added

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Well last night I went to a cycling club meeting which is every month and i try to get to as many as i can but as its friday night i tend to miss a few.


This week though i decided to go as on Wednesday afternoon a club member & old friend was tragically killed in a motoring accident on the snake pass :( a head on collision with a polish registered lorry driving on the wrong side of the road.


Sad news indeed so anyway after the meet we decided to walk into town for a beer or two and a chat which we did, so i decided i'd have a beer and leave the car there in town as i've done a few times without problems. well got in at 2 am after a good old night was had by all.


So then this morning i cycled in to get the car which was parked only 2 miles from where i work.


got to the car and some pillock has run over the bonnet and smashed the windscreen :bad-words: i'm pretty sure it'll be students as it was parked near some student accomodation and campus area, anywat thats by the by but what a pain in the ass :brickwall:


I hope someone does it to theirs one day :bad-words:


Will whack a pic up but at work at the mo and feeling a bit sad :(

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Nightmare :mad2: i had my white g60 keyed front to back down to the metal on both sides once in a city i was visiting. Also had the front end resprayed on my current car a few months back. Then one morning 2 weeks later got up to find that some local kids had decided to cycle round and round the car banging into the front bumper corners and front about 10 times with their pedals and wheel nuts :censored: and looks like one also fell on the bonnet and cause several scratchs with his/her handle bars! Corrados seem to attract things like this.


Are there any shops nearby with cctv pointing out on the street? could ask for footage and get the old bill onto them.

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Sorry to hear that Kip (on both counts):(


Good luck with getting the damage sorted asap. No chance of a witness I suppose?

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Yeah was the 8v.

The whack to the windscreen must have been done with something seriously heavy as it's shattered a huge area. :( :( :(


Can't leave it parked up in Sheffield as God knows what state it will be in after another night as the way it looks it will be asking for more bad attention so I think Kip is driving it home. Then have to wait for our friendly RAC windscreen man to get a new screen in. That will mean our whole fleet has had new screens fitted by the same guy in the last 18 months!!!

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:( Sorry to hear about the car and more so the tragic loss of your friend matey. :(


I came home once to find one of my old Golfs trashed by some idiot who reversed into it and drove off. Sucks.

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ah mate what a nightmare, put a proper downer on a remeberance night! i finished uni lst year and being honest i had one or two friends who have done similar in the past but not broke windscreens and they were then surprised when i had a massive go at them to stop being idiots! they loved going out in my car and how i looked after then i was shocked too see them doing this one night?


its all good having a laugh on the town etc but not at other peoples expense! im a great believer of respecting other peoples property and hopefully theyll get what they deserve sometime! best of luck getting it fixed

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Sorry to hear that, Paul. Makes you almost want to get some sh*t-banger that you don´t care about again, just because as soon as you take something you value a bit more, it seems to get vandalised. Strange society.


Good luck getting it all fixed again.



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Thats bull$hit, Paul :( Really sorry to hear it, and to hear ANOTHER Corrado has been ruined by some mindless f*ckwit :(


Is it going to be a write-off?

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No cctv i'm afraid as it's a very quiet area, making me think it's better to park right in amongst it all :roll:


Probably was just some guys doing it for kicks if thats what they get out of it! i believe in what goes arounfd comes around and i'm sure it'll get em one way or another :lol:


Its more the hassle getting it sorted than anything else really but there ya go! at the end of the day to me it's a very minor set back and a few pounds short for the excess which is nothing compared to the loss of a dear old friend and cycling club legend that he was.


R.I.P Ian (Minty) Murrey :(

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Thats bull$hit, Paul :( Really sorry to hear it, and to hear ANOTHER Corrado has been ruined by some mindless f*ckwit :(


Is it going to be a write-off?


Na mate a few bonnet scratches and a new screen and jobs a good un :?

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I'm really sorry to hear about this Paul. Unfortunately we now live in a society where more than ever before people have no respect either for themselves or other people's property. The scrotes who damaged your car not only have no respect, but know full well that even if they are caught they will get a slapped wrist and will not be made responsible for the cost and misery of the damage they've caused to you.


For over 20 years successive Governments have chosen to find new ways to appease the oiks of society. It's never thier fault; were supposed to allow for thier poverty, bad upbringing, bad breaks, lack of education or whatever. In my view the culture of appeasement has gone so far that only very dramatic action will turn this kind of behaviour around.


Frankly I think these people should (if caught) be made to face the full financial damages for what they have done. Failure to repay the damage, or repeat offenses should be met with capital punishment. We shouldn't waste our taxes paying for them to go to prison, and if they won't show proper behaviour then what's the point of putting up with them anymore? In my view if we hanged even just a few of the buggers concerned you'd see some big changes in the crime figures very quickly indeed.

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I'm really sorry to hear about this Paul. Unfortunately we now live in a society where more than ever before people have no respect either for themselves or other people's property. The scrotes who damaged your car not only have no respect, but know full well that even if they are caught they will get a slapped wrist and will not be made responsible for the cost and misery of the damage they've caused to you.


For over 20 years successive Governments have chosen to find new ways to appease the oiks of society. It's never thier fault; were supposed to allow for thier poverty, bad upbringing, bad breaks, lack of education or whatever. In my view the culture of appeasement has gone so far that only very dramatic action will turn this kind of behaviour around.


Frankly I think these people should (if caught) be made to face the full financial damages for what they have done. Failure to repay the damage, or repeat offenses should be met with capital punishment. We shouldn't waste our taxes paying for them to go to prison, and if they won't show proper behaviour then what's the point of putting up with them anymore? In my view if we hanged even just a few of the buggers concerned you'd see some big changes in the crime figures very quickly indeed.


Gets my nod of approval. I was in Saudi and due to their capital punishment there was hardly any crime.

Sorry to hear about both your loses. you don't think it had anything to the Union Jack on your roof that made whoever pick your ride :shrug:

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Hope you get it sorted soon mate. I was thinking the same maybe someone has taken offense to the union jack on your roof.

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It had crossed my mind about the roof to be honest but it shouldn't need to be questioned! i mean i'm british, living in britain and driving a british registered car so why should i not have it on there!


the thing is if it was remotely racial if they are so adverse to the roof and hating britain why dont they just bugger off from where they originate from? because its too bloody good for them thats why :bad-words:


I really dont give a damn what colour skin people have! were all the same underneath it but sadly not everyone else thinks so :roll:


I do like the roof but it's making me think a bit, but what'd happen if it was a german flag on there? probably nothing :roll:


Ah well such is life!

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the thing is if it was remotely racial if they are so adverse to the roof and hating britain why dont they just bugger off from where they originate from? because its too bloody good for them thats why


Sorry kip but not sure how to take some of the comments in your last post. Apologies if your anger made it sound more vitrolic that it should have been but at the end of the day we are all immigrants, nobody has occupied this land forever. As it happens I'm disgusted with this Countries foreign policy and open support of Terrorist States. But does that mean I should leave? I fail to see the connection between skin colour and the liking of the Union Jack either :camp:


You can only speculate what happened to the car, but the chances of it being due to the Union Jack and a Muslim/Arab (as I guessed thats what you meant) IMHO are slim to none. Whats more likely is a drunken person wanted to impress mates and picked on the oldest car which they thought no-one would care about.


But as you say, lifes a bitch :ignore: and I'm sorry to see its happy to a fellow Corrado owner :(

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That's sad :cry: Just mindless.


Don't think it's anything to do with the flag. Surely that would have been damaged instead of the glass?

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the thing is if it was remotely racial if they are so adverse to the roof and hating britain why dont they just bugger off from where they originate from? because its too bloody good for them thats why


Sorry kip but not sure how to take some of the comments in your last post. Apologies if your anger made it sound more vitrolic that it should have been but at the end of the day we are all immigrants, nobody has occupied this land forever. As it happens I'm disgusted with this Countries foreign policy and open support of Terrorist States. But does that mean I should leave? I fail to see the connection between skin colour and the liking of the Union Jack either :camp:


You can only speculate what happened to the car, but the chances of it being due to the Union Jack and a Muslim/Arab (as I guessed thats what you meant) IMHO are slim to none. Whats more likely is a drunken person wanted to impress mates and picked on the oldest car which they thought no-one would care about.


I have nothing against you mr mccrotch but I think you should pick your words carefully before joining on the racist bandwagon


Where does something as heinous an accusation of the perpetrator being a muslim/arab have anything to do with it, he/she said 'if it was remotely racial' so i don't understand how you can tar them with the metaphorical paintbrush and possibly come to that assumption, if you wanted to be specific it could also be my friend from Lagos trying to sell me a car for £5000 and send me a cheque for £4900 it's ludicrous... it isn't 'if his anger made is sound more bitter than it should have been at all', it's more like you are trying to rotate the thread into something that is not and deriving from the true point of the sympathy this man should be recieving because someone (student or not, (yes welcome to the world of freedom they are also classed as a minority)) smashed in his car for no apparent reason, other than what can be speculated from the pictures which brings me neatly, back to the true point of the thread.


Devestated to hear about your car mate i'd be absolutely livid too, i have a friend who's car was at the bottom end of a wrestling match on his bonnect...

If i go past a car... Ford or not i have the respect of the world not to harm another persons property and whoever that was, must have probably been drunk and hopefully fell over and broke some bones on the way home.

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culshaw; I quoted the comment I had issue with. If anything I'm trying to move the thread on from the imminent "Woe is me/wheres MY benefits/bloody imigrants!?" type thread that usually happens when those sorts of comments are thrown about. Telling legally British people to 'Bugger off where they came from" grates me, sorry :brickwall:


I merely I came to the assumption that the comment was related to Arab/Muslim people was because the 'why don't you go back to your own country' comment is usually the knee-jerk response people who don't understand why they protest or the fact they can't go back to there country.


I apologise to KIP for putting that assumption forward, but I'm just saying that comment 'threw me back' so to speak. The suggestion I'm somehow trying to twist the thread into an argument is misguided and doesn't really do my posting history justice :cuckoo:


I'm someone who has a deep personal interest in the Middle East so I tend to get a little 'passonate' about these things ;) and it's not all terrorist freeloaders as the Daily Mail would have most people believe :shrug:


Sorry again KIP :salute:

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I merely I came to the assumption that the comment was related to Arab/Muslim people was because the 'why don't you go back to your own country' comment is usually the knee-jerk response people who don't understand why they protest or the fact they can't go back to there country.


That saying does not get said to just as you describe arab/muslim people that can be said for any body that moves to any part of the uk from another country. an its not our business to know why some ppl cant go back to their country thats their troubles not ours. that saying was said to myself when i spent a few months in germany so it isnt just aimed at arabs/muslims atall an you did jump the gun imho.



Sorry to hear about your loss. :(


Hope some fooker catches up with the toe rag who did this even if it was meant as a drunken show off stunt show him the stunt of fist to jaw lol :lol: :lol:

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