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CaiosG60 PWR

Brand new g-lader anyone????

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Was in my local stealers today. Asked them about a replacement charger for a laugh. :D :D :D


Almost droped me ciggies, VW uk have 3 in stock!!! :blink: :blink:


Priced at £1850 + the VAT!! :(



I couldnt belive it! Surly they've been there for 10 years? Wouldnt the oil seals in them be nackerd by now? What about the bearings too??

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Rubber might have perished slightly, but not by as much as if they'd been on the car under pressure and exposed to water/oil/frost/etc etc...

But you're right it's a long time for it to be sitting there...

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£1850 + the vat and to get it fitted if you don't know what you are doing. Not to mention getting it sent to Darren for a bit of modification.

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i wonder what the spainish price on those would be?? VAT is less and VW part are cheaper here! go me thinking!!

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