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Classic Corrado Moment

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I thought you guys would appreciate this.....


Yesterday I was best man at my best mates wedding. We both got suited up at his mums house and I had to drive him and 2 ushers from his mums to the church, in the corrado.


So on the way what happens ??? The hose coming from the top of the radiator comes loose, and comes away from its fixing pouring all the coolant over the engine. So there I am in full wedding gear on the main road out of bath, with the groom and 2 ushers, bonnet up trying to refix the hose. No coolant left in the system, and steam p1ssing off of the engine.


Managed to refix it in the end but a lot of people coming into bath had a laugh at my expense. The groom was not a happy chap though !


No shops nearby, so was lucky I had a few bottles of water in the car to put back into the system, and it didn't overheat for the rest of the journey.


Got to the church about 5 minutes late in the end, but there was a terrible moment I thought we would have to walk the last mile or so. Didn't tell mother of the bride as she would have strangled me !


Only in a corrado........

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It takes a brave man to entrust the grooms timely arrival to a Corrado!!


Well done for sorting it and getting him there on time though!!

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The late 80's VW slogan was...

That advert always pops into my head whenever something breaks. Ive had many an incident over the years with boiling hot water and coolant, heater matrix, water pump, raditator fans etc. It's the one thing i hate the most.


Good job you had some water handy! i always carry some water in the car from past experiences :thumbleft:

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Mmm... Must be just me but I think the Corrado is VERY reliable....


I've had 1 issue in 8 years! And that was a tyre blowing up on the M1 so hardly the Corrados fault...

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It's customary to be a least five mins late :) ...I bet you were bobbing !


Mmm... Must be just me but I think the Corrado is VERY reliable....


I've had 1 issue in 8 years! And that was a tyre blowing up on the M1 so hardly the Corrados fault...


I've only had one issue in 4 years too ! worn water pipe that i missed.

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I'm happy to still call my Corrado reliable as per the VW slogan! 167k and not a issue! Well not one that I haven't tempted fate myself with! You find me a Renault that age that is still running on it's original equipment minus the obvious rubber consumables etc....

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