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How to fit Stroeve kit?

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I know most of you hate these kits but I have a bit of a dumb ass question.... Whre the hell does the Stroeve induction kit fit on the 9a engine? What have I got to remove?! :shrug:

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never had one, but from the look of them i assume they either sit underneath the existing air box lid or replace the airbox completely :scratch:


your parts arrive yet?

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Like this, but instead of the big black pipe??! or the other way? If none of these can someone photoshop where?!


I know it needs a clean and new filter!

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second picture, but reversed, ie underneath the aribox cover/ metering head

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Oh right, what supports it? Does it not move around / knock about whe you're moving?

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Assume you use the existing airbox clips onto those metal plates, but never had one and not even 60% sure :)


You may need to have a fiddle, offer it up etc.


Or wait till someone who knows what they're on about shows up!

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looks to me from the pictures theres a pin welded to the top in the picture(bottom when fitting) that would hold the thing in place in a hole under you airbox


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