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Corrado modern classic, custom cars had their day?

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I still think there is room for some custom projects.. I do enjoy reading about engine transplants, etc etc but wouldn't want to embark on that path myself.


I think that the engine transplant route is fine if you intend keeping the car for yourself and have no interest in selling it.

The number of cars that have been for sale recently with engine conversions that cant be sold and end up being broken, shows that most people are happy to have a standard car with minor easily reversible mods.I`m sure the problem with big conversions/customs is that you can be buying someone elses problems and should something go wrong you have to start looking at what has been done and if its been done properly :(

I think standard but restored is the way to go :)

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As well as various mods mentioned previously I don't like non standard exhaust shapes - round, dtm etc, they simply just don't look right on the car, and anything which just doesn't suit the period and looks too modern.


I'm like a number of you and haven't made any irreversible mods and have all the original stuff to put the car back to standard, but do agree with Gareth regarding upgrading. If I was to put my Speedlines back on the car would look almost standard bar the ride height which is the same with most of the other subtley modded cars on here.


But hey if something floats your boat then fine if it's what you like :)

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Anything that is reversible is fine with me. I know some people did not like how my Nugget developed but everything was quickly and easily reversible, when I sold it I asked the new owner what original parts he wanted, IIRC he took nothing, leaving me with boxes of original stuff


I'm sure a time will come when the most sought after Corrados are ones as close to possible as original, including ride height but think that time is still some way off

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Its an interesting topic, I can't pretend i'm totally against modified or custom Corrados far from it. I have huge respect for cars that show great vision, innovation and execution its the half arsed poorly executed examples I had in mind. Often sporting bolt on tat, cheap aftermarket accessories and wheels that are surely much better left stock.

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Just to add to what people have said I think vw/karmann did a cracking job with rado but there are a few things i don't agree with and they are the things i have changed, [ride height /wheels etc]my car is my opinion of how the corrado should have been and many other people have done similar things to me this is what oem+ is all about as everyone will have their own take on things

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I prefer standard but then I'm rubbish at DIY :nuts: Mind you as others have said I do like to see the decent custom jobs. My only issue is that the Corrado never had one last upgrade by VW in the mid/late 90's. It would've been good to get a Mk4 Golf style fit and finish inside which would still look modern today.

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I'm not really bothered whether people decide to change there car substantially or not; the biggest thing that angers me though is the owners that will place a set of wheels or uprated Anti Roll bars above rotting sills/arches or poor paintwork :nono:

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I'm not really bothered whether people decide to change there car substantially or not; the biggest thing that angers me though is the owners that will place a set of wheels or uprated Anti Roll bars above rotting sills/arches or poor paintwork :nono:


Like I've done? :lol:


I might just leave mine looking shabby, but perfect underneath. :D

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I'm not really bothered whether people decide to change there car substantially or not; the biggest thing that angers me though is the owners that will place a set of wheels or uprated Anti Roll bars above rotting sills/arches or poor paintwork :nono:


thats true over the years i've seen people spend thousands on their cars even 20vt conversions etc when the car is a wreck. I always try to make sure everything is mechanically and structurally spot on as a priority

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All my mods im happpy with, end of the day its my car :) . Each to there own


As one of the very finest Corrados in existence i'm not sure much of this applies to your car :notworthy:

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I'm not really bothered whether people decide to change there car substantially or not; the biggest thing that angers me though is the owners that will place a set of wheels or uprated Anti Roll bars above rotting sills/arches or poor paintwork


Rotting sills are one thing I suppose but poor paintwork is something I don't agree with you on there mate. As Toad says, the paintwork on his car isn't exactly in the best shape - but mechanically the car is tip top, with new / refurbished EVERYTHING on it. I'd counter-argue that having lovely shiny paint, whilst your engine is fecked, is an equally useless exercise. Ropey paint isn't going to leave you stranded - a shagged engine will!

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Necessary replacement is different Jim; I've spent nearly £1500 on the mechanicals of my car to date but Kev (and occasionally me ;) :lol: ) have replaced everything that I felt it needed e.g. Track Control Arms and Ball Joints which had all covered 160k miles. ABS sensors that have failed every 10 seconds etc. If anything Toad has worked on his car with the same mindset I have as he's still running the original wheels (I'm even painting my wheels black/grey now rather than replacing)


Hell, I've even sourced an original towbar to go on after the respray :lol:


I meant more people who have a perfectly 'healthy' car with rust spots/rusty arches and they decide to blow £800 + on coilovers or wheels, replacing parts which will hold for many thousands of miles to come but leaving the rest of the car to deteriorate further.


But as stormchargedvr6 says, each to there own. There are still plenty of Corrados to go around and there will always be a plentiful supply of original, tastefully modded and god awful ones.

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Hell, I've even sourced an original towbar to go on after the respray


Are you kidding?!! I might not be as keen if that's fitted! :)

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All my mods im happpy with, end of the day its my car :) . Each to there own


As one of the very finest Corrados in existence i'm not sure much of this applies to your car :notworthy:


Cheers Gareth :D , Dont think theres much between our cars.


Its getting there, still few things im noy happy with.

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Well, I thought it might be good as an impact damper (seriously!) and it was only £30 delivered. If someone hits me from behind at least it won't write the car off straight away ;) I'm still not 100% sure what to do with it though. It only weighs about 15kg's and will also tighten up the rear end (oh err missus!)


I was meant to be painting it this week but because of other commitments it's ended up not happening :( Still hoping I can get a couple of days in before I get back to work!

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I'd counter-argue that having lovely shiny paint, whilst your engine is fecked, is an equally useless exercise. Ropey paint isn't going to leave you stranded - a shagged engine will!


Makes me think of a car who everyone used to rave about, but was apparently completely forked under the shiny paint and expensive wheels.

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I don't really give a monkeys what people do to their cars, but if you do modify it with cheap tat and bodykits, then it'll just go to the breakers sooner rather than later. The more that get broken, the higher the value of those remaining :D


I've just spent a lot of effort maintaining the one bit of a corrado that isn't easy to replace- the bodyshell. Engines and other bolt on mods can always be replaced but a repaired shell is always a niggling thought that it isn't 'as it used to be' which is what persuaded me to do it.


My personal taste is that mods are ok so long as they are subtle or OEM+ (someone had to mention it!)

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Nicest mod for a C has to be a twin DTM exhaust 8) .











































I'm all for reversible mods. Only things I don't like on the standard car are the orange indicators/tails and the ride height. My car has quite a few mods, but looks pretty much standard.


OEM+ all the way 8)


Things I don't like to see on a Corrado are chrome wheels, smoothed/shaved bodywork etc, each to their own though ;)

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Nicest mod for a C has to be a twin DTM exhaust 8) .


I actually have a twin DTM on my 16v. Is everyone ganging up on me?

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I think Karman got it spot on with the C really, I love the swoopy lines, the way the lines flows from the front wing, across the door, up the rear quarter and ending at the spoiler :grin:


I have spent lots on mine getting it up to the look I wanted which is a classic looking car with moder mechanicals, I think the 1.8T motor suits the car really well, but apart from that and a debadged grill (Which I quite like) and the Storm badges (for 5hits and grins really) it's has intended but for the sake of some awesome hoops, which I think really make the car!!!


Corrado's will do as MK2 Golfs have done in the past few years, the prices will start to rise as the rubbish ones get broken or fall into the hands of chavs and are destroyed, thus bringing the price of good ones up!


All the mods I've done to mine are reversible, but as nugget is a proper marmite colour I don't think I'd ever put it back to standard!!! At the end of the day I've built it for me, if others like it thats great, but I really couldn't care if you don't either :p

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