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94 valver running a bit too hot! running rich too!

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Hi guys, as above, the cars fine when moving but when in traffic i often see 116 degrees on the oil reading after a while and the coolant goes upto around 100+/- 5 degrees or so... Most of the time i have to turn the heaters on to avoid going past 120 degrees but after a while even that doesnt help!! Last week I saw 122 on the oil reading last week when stuck in major traffic due to the snow and had no choice but to pull over and pop the bonnet! Now ill be honest, the fan on these cars is f'in loud and i only ever hear mine once in a blue moon, mostly once the cars turned off so im guessing some sort of sensor is knackered?


It also developed a new problem recently, radiators leaking! Im constantly having to top it up with water. Ive had various problems with coolant hoses etc before so im assuming this is all due to the high running temps? Does anyone still do new radiators or could i fit one from a vr maybe?


Admitedly i do drive the car pretty hard but when thats the case all the temps stay dead on; oil around 100 degrees, coolant around 90...


Last problem and ill get some pics up later, i think its running super rich, the stench of fuel on cold start is crazy, there was a tiny lake of fuel in my tailpipe last time i left it running for about 5 mins on cold start... any ideas?


Any help/advice appreciated guys!



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It can be quite a tiresome process diagnosing a heating issue on the valver..


I'd probably start with changing the radiator fan switch which screws in to the bottom right hand side of the radiator (as you stand and look at the front of the car).


It's not mega-bucks from VW and might well be to blame!

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Thanks Jim, going to get a 2nd hand one first, if that solves the problem ill get a new one... dont want to have to fork out for parts right now lol. I really want to FINALLY get some paint work done!!

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Getting paintwork done instead of getting the car running properly? :cuckoo: :tongue:


I'd go for a new rad personally mate, its leaking anyway and it could well be causing your high temps.

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spend your money on functional things before even thinking about cosmetics.

You'll fall out of love quickly with a shiney car that breaks down alot.


With the cold weather it would be using a bit more fuel on startup,but it shouldn't be dripping out your exhaust.

Are you sure that was fuel?

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ran some k-seal through mine to stop the radiator from leaking till i can afford a new one, no more leaks so far :) (knock on wood)

spent the last 3 years trying to get mine running right with not much joy.

is there someone professional that can do the job?

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Yeah... get the oily stuff working before the paint mate, that's my humble opinion also. Won't be much good with shiny new paint if the headgasket blows on the motorway or something!


Good luck getting it sorted.

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122 on the oil is prtty high but not dangerously so, as long as you're using a decent oil. When you opened the bonnet, did it give you a blast of really hot air? Believe me, if it were at that temp you'd really feel it. 120 oil is very noticeable from 100C oil. The reason i ask is perhaps the oil temp sensor is out, or the voltage regulator in the clocks is goosed. As already suggested, get the rad changed and whilst you're there change the thermostat and really flush out the coolant system. Flushing the cooling is easy but there is really no quick way to do it, so allow at least half a day for it. Its best to use the orange coolant flush from VW, this removes all crud from the system.

The tiny lake in your exhaust may just be water - if it were fuel you'd smell it. Plus in the cold weather, fuel feed pipes contract a little leading to smelly startups.


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Guys dont worry, im sorting it out aswell as the paint but i really want to minimize costs on this engine because ive also been saving up for a conversion for the last 6months+... thats why i really would rather just get a 2nd hand rad and switch, i mean lets be honest, complete 9a engines dont fetch much these days lol.


The theory on the oil readouts being incorrect could be true because my fan only ever starts at 110+ and tbh while u can feel the engine heat when u open the bonnet its not like proper crazy or anything...


The engine oil in the car is Synta Silver... the proper vw stuff anyway, i might have got the name wrong lol and the coolant is g12+ i think or was but now its just water, evian at the moment might i add :lol:


Oh and yeah the cars well stinky (petrol smell) on cold start but fine later on, n yup im pretty damn sure it was spitting out bits of petrol lol. Ill upload the pic asap.


Thanks chaps, will update this thread with further developments!



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petrol would not normally make it out of the exhaust like that because of the heat of the exhaust.It would more appear as black smoke rather than raw petrol.


And on cold starts the car will run slightly rich,this is normal.And it has been very cold recently so maybe that is why it was running slighlty richer than normal.

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Hmm fair do's but on cold start the exhaust is cold is it not? N yeah i suppose the cold weather does explain the over fueling because it is fine once upto temps...

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exhaust gas temps rise fairly quickly.

I'd worry about engine temps for now. 8)


Yeah i am lol. Like i said when it passes 118 or so i put the heaters on full blast, my balls dont allow me to keep the engine on past 122 lol.

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