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checking a storm help[ plz

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hi guys, recently been looking at a storm to buy, the guy isn't really a vdub man but he knows that there is only 500 storms,

i have been negotiating prices with him for his storm and we have settled on a reasonable price.


but first of all his engine is f**ked, so will need a new 2.9

and done a check on car and it comes up as a cat c, but has been inspected and passed

the main thing i need to know is how to make sure it is a genuine storm? i did the txt check off the telly and got this info, but it just says its a 2.9, and doesnt mention it being a storm. is this guy just tryin to sell me a vr with the 2 badges??


and how much u reckon i delt on??


thanks for ur help :salute:

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So its got a fecked engine and has been written off before. Hope your getting it for peanuts. What colour is it? If its the blue then find out the colour code as its Storm specific. If its green it should have the cream leather. TBH it doesnt sound that great from what you have said, surely there are better cars going about.


All I'll say it dont get seduced by the Storm thing, its technically no better a car than a standard VR.

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all ways fancied a storm so guilty there. not sure of paint code, its blue with cream leathers , so i think alarm bells are ringing on a fake now. was gonna deal on 1500.... if i can knock him down to 1100 i might get it just for parts, leather, full milltek, clifford alarm...

... still not sure tho ....

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To be honest if you have doubts and are really set on getting a Storm them a call to VW Customer Services with the chassis number will resolve it once and for all. Agree with coullstar on there probably being better cars out there right now but good luck with whatever you decide. Other clues are it should have a colour coded grill, heated front seats and a Storm badge on the gearstick surround. It would also have come with BBS Solitudes on but they could have legitimately been changed along the way.

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its this 250560537422 on ebay


doesnt look like grill colour coded, but im gettin him to check paint code


this a top forum, might possibly be saving me a small fortune

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Heres the paint code for green storm remember that claasic green wasnt a storm specific colour thus there are a few fakes badged up as storms. The storm on that link though looks very genuine but check with VW and they can give you a definate answer


Classic Green Pearl Effect ---------------LC6U ---------------------93 & 95

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To be honest if you have doubts and are really set on getting a Storm them a call to VW Customer Services with the chassis number will resolve it once and for all. Agree with coullstar on there probably being better cars out there right now but good luck with whatever you decide. Other clues are it should have a colour coded grill, heated front seats and a Storm badge on the gearstick surround. It would also have come with BBS Solitudes on but they could have legitimately been changed along the way.


how can i contact them?

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It seems like a lot of money for a car with no/a f00ked engine mate?


You could find out how to get in touch with VW customer services through their website I would have thought mate :)

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Agree its a bit steep maybe. As the engine is poo but especially the Cat C write off. Cat d is not too bad (economic write off) but as far as i know Cat C is write off due to severe damage. I would check insurance if you are thinking about taking it on the road as i have tried to insure written off cars in the past and not only is it hard to find cover for a cat C but also i was told by an insurer if you ever had even a minor bump it would be written off straight away as it had already been categoried. Also they said if it was written off that the pay out for said car would be very much less than market value as in peanuts so bear that in mind as there are a lot of Vr's around for not much money that dont have history and do have engines for the sort of money you are talking if you look and wait. just my two pence worth :D

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engine problem isnt too bad, but CAT C as well... imagine how it would be worth if it was a normal VR6!!


the leather etc is worth money, the car isnt worth anything imo... if you have always wanted a storm then fair play, but i woul dget a fairly decent one to start with instead of spending money on a CAT C car

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Hmmmm interesting i see no mention of Cat C write off in his listing. If this is true then it :censored: 's me off when people dont mention it in ads. Like they hope you might not ask. Yes mr seller it is a big deal and yes it does make a difference to me so put it in your f :censored: ing ad :censored: . Sorry but i hate people who waste my time. the number of cars i have looked at over the years and they say yeah its all good, i get there and mention it looks like it has had a repspray and they say oh has it then when i investigate further they remember it having an accident and being repaired, oh and then they remember it was written off and they have a copy of the engineers report. Thanks i say i just spent 4 hours in the car to get here and when i asked on the phone if it was in an accident you said NO!! Its on the V5 now so make sure people check, and if you are selling a Categoried car PUT IT IN THE AD AND STOP WASTING PEOPLES TIME! :bad-words:

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Sounds like its best to just walk away from and look else where. Unless you're willing to spend say 1k and break it.


Whats wrong with the engine exactly?

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that car doesnt look worth the hassle.


Get yourself another thousand notes and get a nice normal VR6 (not a storm). Cheeper to insure and some come with fancy extras you didn't get in the Storm

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this man speak'ith the truth - let this one go - you can quite easily get hung up on a car your looking to buy and reason / commonsense go out the window. I've been there. A stunning looking S3 broke my heart a while back.


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Hmmmm interesting i see no mention of Cat C write off in his listing. If this is true then it :censored: 's me off when people dont mention it in ads. Like they hope you might not ask. Yes mr seller it is a big deal and yes it does make a difference to me so put it in your f :censored: ing ad :censored: . Sorry but i hate people who waste my time. the number of cars i have looked at over the years and they say yeah its all good, i get there and mention it looks like it has had a repspray and they say oh has it then when i investigate further they remember it having an accident and being repaired, oh and then they remember it was written off and they have a copy of the engineers report. Thanks i say i just spent 4 hours in the car to get here and when i asked on the phone if it was in an accident you said NO!! Its on the V5 now so make sure people check, and if you are selling a Categoried car PUT IT IN THE AD AND STOP WASTING PEOPLES TIME! :bad-words:


LOL!!! thank u , when i told him it was a write off, he 'honestly never knew' but he did sound gutted,

def not gonna bother, and i am supprised he hasnt writen it on add now i've told him about the history :censored:

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this man speak'ith the truth - let this one go - you can quite easily get hung up on a car your looking to buy and reason / commonsense go out the window. I've been there. A stunning looking S3 broke my heart a while back.



lol advice taken :clap:

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:cheers: :clap: :cheers: :clap:

thanks for the help guys, def keeping away from this, i knew it must have been too good to be true lol.

think i will stick to my original plans and turbo my 2.0


:salute: thanks again

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