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Tooth belt drive system

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Quite possibly aye...


But id hope the issue's people have had with them in the past would be sorted? That's what put me off buying one previously. And the price of the bartek jobbie is rediculous! :shock:

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hmmm all you seem to hear about is the belt snapping on these.


think you would need to put some miles on the kit before selling them

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I am not entirely convinced these don't cause some serious charger detonation, the shock loading as opposed to belt slip is no good for the G60.

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I had one for while - got rid of it after shredding 2 belts in a month. Never had a problem with belt slip on the normal ribbed system.

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I had a toothed belt system for about a year and destroyed 3 chargers.

In the 4 years i used it with the standard belt system before and after the toothed belt i have had no problems whatsoever.

I have noticed no difference in performance, the rolling road showed 1/2 a horse power difference so apart from the sound it really isnt worth the hastle IMO the only time i noticed any belt slip was when the tensioner and tensioner bushes where worn out or after driving through a big puddle.


the problem seemed to be the teeth being ripped off the belt (also tried several different supposedly stronger uprated belts), the gaps left in the belt would cause the charger to stall and then rapidly start when the remaining teeth re-engaged, this sudden shock was just too much for the fragile displacer, I personally would never use a tooth belt system again.


some things that did seem to improve the life span of the belt for a while was using a proper sprung dampened tensioner rather than the fixed adjustable one that was originally recommended, the belt tended to stretch a little under hard acceleration, this caused slack in the belt and caused it to jump teeth, but tension it too much and the belt would wear and snap in no time and put way too much pressure on the bearings, the other thing i found was getting rid of one of the idler pulleys and using a shorter belt as the toothed belt does not need to be wrapped around the pulleys as much as the ribbed belt, and wrapping it too far around the toothed pulleys caused the belt to ride up on the teeth as it stretched under acceleration.


My whole toothed belt system is sitting in the shed and i will probably end up binning it TBH as it almost made me give up on the g-lader and even the corrado, but after talking to an old engineer friend of mine who persueded me to get rid of the toothed belt my faith was restored.

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Thanks for the comments.

Coolrado - I wonder if the system you have is not set up correctly. Perhaps you have the preload wrong causing belt annihilation.

To get the sizing and possible belt strength correct, I'd need to sit down and work everything out. Might have a go over the weekend.


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I tried every combination of tension, allignment, new pulleys ect, and all it did was extend the life of the belt a little, i just checked the paperwork to find out how long i had the toothed belt system and it seems like it was nearly two years not one, but the amount of time the car spent off the road due to the toothed belt was extremely frustrating.

I still dont think it is worth doing for the tiny if any performance increase, a well maintained standard belt system shouldnt allow belt slip and if there is any slip it will probably help to protect the charger from shock loading.


Most people i have talked to about the toothed belts have mentioned changing the belts every couple of months at least when the car is in daily use and being driven fairly quickly, whether they set them up or a garage fitted it for them.

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