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16v poor MPG and missing power

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hey all


after fitting and new heater matrix that turned out to be a duff and nearly setting the car on fire due to bodged up wiring i seem to have made another problem ....


MPG never goes above 23 and car seems to be a little under powerd now ( seems to have made the 16v low rev lack of power worse ,and dont seem quite right at the top end either) idle seems to be alittle lumpy too . the car isnt miss firing at any point tho :brickwall:


i know there is a bad earth to the small ecu under the scuttle panel that will be getting addressed at the weekend will this be the problem ?


also the car was part wired through an old alarm/imobiliser witch iv bypassed (work in proggres ) and curantly have all the ignition wires wired through a single heavey ON/OFF switch (with the fuel pump hard wired to run all the time when ON ) could this be affecting anything ?


regards - jack

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your electrics sound like a bit of a nightmare, you need to check ignition advance at idle and make sure it goes up with revs (timing light), if the ignition ecu has a dodgy earth then who knows what it doing.

I'm assuming your engine timing marks are all spot on too.

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anyone .....?



power problem seems to be worse than first thought ....was reeding 2-3 MPG today around town (and that was me trying to drive eco) :brickwall: :brickwall:


dont have a clue whats going on here

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Pretty sure there shouldn't be an earth strap there :? Is it definately connected to the ecu? The only one in that area afaik is the bonnet one, which should be attached to a bolt in front of the scuttle panel.

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Personally I would get all my electrics back to standard, ideally with out the alarm as they often confuse me. If the problem continues, then that's one job fixed and one more thing to rule out, as fir mile per gallon I tend to judge that on how many trips I have to make to the petrol station rather than believing what my mfa tells me, my mfa often tells me I'm doing 19mph wen I'm actually blitzing down the motorway, as for missing power, were is your dizzy positioned? Could u do with a little advance or retard? do u need to re-set up your fuel mixture?

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Personally I would get all my electrics back to standard, ideally with out the alarm as they often confuse me. If the problem continues, then that's one job fixed and one more thing to rule out, as fir mile per gallon I tend to judge that on how many trips I have to make to the petrol station rather than believing what my mfa tells me, my mfa often tells me I'm doing 19mph wen I'm actually blitzing down the motorway, as for missing power, were is your dizzy positioned? Could u do with a little advance or retard? do u need to re-set up your fuel mixture?


yeh i heir what your saying about the wiring but i think thats going to be a long strung out job ....car has had 9 owners and i think everyone of them has cut spliced and taped up apart of the wiring ..... :(


how do i reset my fuel mixture ? as this sounds promasing

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My wirings shot too, my heaters don't work and I've set my wipers up on a live switch till I get all new looms for the car made up by my mate,


here's ya set up guide, tells ya how to adjust fueling, it's pretty simple, helps if u got a matey till help ya out, just take ya time n make sure your fully confident you know what ya doing before u jump straight into, this is were iPhones come in handy, u can read the guide whilst lookin round the bay.

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