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i would like to know can the carbon canister be gotton rid of ....ditch it also can a vr6 run with out the isv?? i know 8vs can and do but i wasnt sure about the vr6???



i want to start to clear the clutter in the bay and it seemed like as good as any place to start really any help gratfully recieved!!



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VR6's definitely need the ISV I'm afraid, unless you convert to OBD2 but that's quite involved really.


As for the charcoal canister, it can be removed but I'm not sure on the process, think you'd definitely need a catch tank of some description but I don't know for sure, hopefully someone else will.

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removed my cc when fitting bmc cda (ideal place for cold air feed to go) she did not like it at low revs around town ,drove great at full chat! re located cc in the space directly under where maf sits ,bolted to plastic arch liner ,used perforated strip to secure to liner(bolt hole already there) two pipes sit nicely under cold air feed out of sight (GOOD JOB DONE) car now runs as sweet as before but with added grunt .

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thanks guys , i did try to searcvh but i have no idea what i was searching for ...plus i am so lame at searching on this forum il get there eventually!

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The search is really easy dude, for example, the search I did for you, I entered +carbon +canister +removal. When you add the + symbol before the search word, the results that are returned HAVE TO contain the word that you prefixed with the + symbol.



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