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Auto to Manual wiring query..

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Hi all,


Well its been probably 18 months since i've last been on here properly and i'll explain all later.


I have a query to throw at all you guys who have done the auto to manual conversion. I've carried out the conversion without any probs (mechanics i'm ok with) and am almost ready to fire her up but i just need clarification that i am understanding the wiring correctly (auto electrics not so ok with).


SO...i need to remove the thick black/red cable from position 8 on the starter relay (relay 150) and put it into F1 on the F block?


Ans. Yes


There is already a thin red wire in this position (F1), do i remove this or does it need splicing into the thicker black/red cable?


Ans. Just remove the thin red wire from position F1 and REPLACE it with the thick black/red one. You can buy the proper spades for this so it just pushes back into the block.


Also, how do you put the thick cable with a bigger spade into a slot for a thinner wire that uses a smaller spade? What have you guys done?


Ans. As answer above, the spade is a small spade with the ability to put a larger wire in.


Then if the above is right i just move the black wire and black/blue wire from positions 4 and 5 on the starter relay to positions F6 and F7 on the F block? Do they need splicing into the wires already there of the same colour or just take out whats already there and insert the others?


Ans. Easiest method i found to do this is cut the black wire and black/blue wire in the F block (positions F6 and F7) so there is about 2in coming out of the back of the block, then cut the same colour wires from the starter relay no. 150 (positions 4 and 5) and join them to the cut wires in the F block matching up the colours. Best to use crimps and heat shrink or a suitable alternative.


I hope this makes sense to some of you and are able to answer, its took me a day to get my head around it, i'm soo close now it hurts :lol:


Thanks :salute:

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now you're asking - i cant quite remember what i did, but have a look at my build thread i think i've put the wiring sequence in there.

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ha ha, i guessed it would be you who replied, whenever this conversion is talked about you seem to be the main chap :lol:


I've read thru your thread, got some info off there, think i know what to do, but really need advice on if i need to splice or replace, and how you make a fat wire fit in a thin wires hole :shrug:

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ha ha, i guessed it would be you who replied, whenever this conversion is talked about you seem to be the main chap :lol:


:salute: dont know about 'main chap' perhaps more like the fool, stupid enough to do this mod!


I'll have to check my photos - I only spliced 2.5mm wire into a 4mm wire, so there is no wiring sizing issue. I did have difficulty in teh actual soldering, mainly because i've got a crappy 35W soldering iron, which wasnt really up to the job. I'll try and get back to you today.

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Well i had a go at this tonight and hey presto it works...... :clap: :grin: :nuts: :norty: :luvlove: :D :salute: :clap:


I've edited my original post with the answers to my questions so hopefully this will help any people mad enough to attempt this in future (ha ha its not really that bad in fairness)


Just need to figure out why its not firing now, fuel spark etc...........chuffed to bits though...... "..it's ALIVE..."


Cheers for the help of previous members posts regarding this matter.


Love this forum :luvlove:

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Whitedog? Have you done the speed sensor and reverse lights wiring? If not, then have a look at my thread as i've put my method of getting them to work. If you've not pulled out all the auto wiring, then you can use one of the looms there for it.

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Whitedog? Have you done the speed sensor and reverse lights wiring? If not, then have a look at my thread as i've put my method of getting them to work. If you've not pulled out all the auto wiring, then you can use one of the looms there for it.



No, not yet. Auto loom is still in, i thought i could just use this loom to wire in the reverse light switch......didnt know i had to do the speed sensor too..... :eek: :scratch: Thought this just plugged in off the normal loom???


Guessing i'll have to have a proper read of your thread before the weekend then.

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