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About Whitedog

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/31/1978


  • Location
    West Midlands


  • Interests
    All things Corrado...(+VW)


  • Occupation
    Architect stuff
  1. Best advice i can give is whip it out and drop in a manual box.....once you've aquired all the parts needed you could get it switched in a weekend i reckon with 2 competent people. Theres enough info / people on here that have done it to help if you get stuck.....and theres not really that much to do...quite suprised really at how simple it all was.....a few tricky areas with the wiring but simple enough once you get your head round it. Have a look at my build thread for an idea of whats involved.
  2. Cool, sounds like an ace trip...get some pictures up. Also, didnt realise they did a Europe edition golf....any pics?
  3. This is a fantastic thread, a proper enjoyable read. I did 2 tours of bosnia when i was in the army a few years back, seeing these pictures is a proper flashback......snipers alley is something else aint it..... Keep up the good work and keep enjoying yourself.....more pics too....
  4. Well last night after returning home the carpets had fully dried so i though i would just place them in the car being as it was getting dark. One thing led to another and now the carpets and all trim is fully fitted, great fun in the dark with a headtorch.....looks like a car again now... :-) Pictures to follow tonight. Just got to sort the seats out and they can go back in....then its finishing off the little jobs before the mot...abs sensor etc... oh, and i picked up another coolant res cap so it runs again.... :-)
  5. Well, time flies and not a lot gets done....guess thats having young kids for you eh.... i'm having a big push to see if i can get it all finished in the next couple of months and back on the road so tonight i went out in the dark and fitted half of the new underlay after the old stuff got trashed when it got wet. This is just some foam carpet underlay, 7mm thick which i have doubled up to 2 layers so that should be sufficient. I think its the type of stuff you put under laminate flooring, seems to work a treat anyhow. Dont know what it'll be like for stopping sounds but i only wanted it really to give some cushioning under the carpet. Once i finish this its carpet cleaning time so hopefully i'm gonna make the most of this nice weather and see if i can clean it and dry it this weekend, then i can refit it and get it out of the garage finally. Whilst i was doing this i was running her up, she gets just up to temp when i notice her leaking hot coolant everywhere. On closer inspection it seems the coolant cap was so brittle it broke inside causing the rubber seal to fall away, thus creating a scalding geyser on my drive. at least its only a cheap fix.
  6. This is why mine has been off the road for 2 years now :lol:
  7. What if you were to layer up about 10 layers of wax on it, nice time he jumps on he wont be on for long......
  8. Whitedog

    my vr6

    Early dash will have the slider heater controls, the later dash has the dial heater controls. Cheers, its an ongoing project, its been over 2 years since i last drove it but hopefully come about april time it'll be back on the road.
  9. Whoa....your chain tensioner was worst than mine and i thought mine was bloody bad...
  10. Hi Karl That is very nice, love the colour. The beemer was awesome but i too have a bit of a soft spot for the mk1 tt's. Only downside i found was trying to get used to the limited visibilty of them. Great fun though, i'm sure you'll be chuckling to yourself everytime you drive it. Looks like its been well looked after too.
  11. Whitedog

    my vr6

    Wow, some good work there, think this rado's future is in safe hands by the looks of it. One of the best colours too..... Cant believe how good them bits have come up after the vapour blasting.... I too have a k reg vr6, what interior do you have in yours as it seems to be a mis match on rado's of this year. I have late dash and door cards yet early seats???? Looking good though, keep it up.
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